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    Deformed cannabis leaf

    i got a clone from a plant that was in flower the clone has been rooted for over a month now and i tried tipping it and think i messed up on dont ask me how and now the new growth is deformed and to be honest ive been giving it little to no care water once a week if that just used tap water not...

    is this a male or hermaphrodite


    whats the best NPK for flowering

    well cutting my plants down as of tomorrow because ive just come home to find that 3 of 4 plants are male which really sucks and i really dont feel like growing from seed again just gonna use clones and play it safe still waiting to see if my last plant is female but im really depressed just...

    whats the best NPK for flowering

    plants teind to droop after the day without water and i just use water to flush the leftover nutes i havent used the budzilla yet (which is a hydroponic nute say on bottle to use 2.5mls for soil use) just using organic pre flowering nutrients as im only in my first week of flowering and the...

    whats the best NPK for flowering

    my watering cycle is day one nutes, day two water only, day 3 no water or nutes then repeat and is it better for high phosphorus or potassium

    whats the best NPK for flowering

    Has anybody used either Budzilla or Growzilla before? I just started using Budzilla NPK 30 30 70 for flowering Any thoughts on preferred NPK ratios for Vege and flowering? and what is a good watering cycle

    PLEASE HELP my new growth is turning yellow

    my light is about 38cm/15 inches ive got 3 other plants and they are fine. do i ph my water not really the ph of my water is 7 so i thought it would be good enough and ill take your advice about the nutes and flowering and we'll see how they go from here.

    PLEASE HELP my new growth is turning yellow

    also the new growth seem to be doing better but the tips of them are still yellow and i wanna flower soon

    PLEASE HELP my new growth is turning yellow

    everything i have was given to me from a friend from lights, fan to soil and the soil was some organic soil mix with a bit of compost my nutes are bio gold liquid plant food 10% nitrogen 4%phosphorus 6% potassium with trace elements dont know if you have heard of it and my plants are from a bag...

    PLEASE HELP my new growth is turning yellow

    ive got a ph soil tester

    PLEASE HELP my new growth is turning yellow

    the new growth on the tops are turning more and more yellow by the day thought it might be lockout nutrient maybe iron deficiency i checked the ph and its just 6.5-6.4 ive flushed it (before flush ph was 5.7) dont know what else to do im a first time grower please help

    bottom half of my plant is drooping

    yes i use tap water ph of the water is 7 i water 2-3 days have an oscillating fan for air circulation by the way im a first time grower

    bottom half of my plant is drooping

    my plant 6 weeks veg soil medium and the bottom half of her is drooping leaves are green top half looks strong and healthy ph is 6.5 its under 600w hps light room temp is 25c/77f dont know what is going on please help:leaf: