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  1. P

    First time flowering

    Hi there First i would like to thank all you guys who responded to my plant problem posts; they were incredibly helpful and I'm proud to say I have a very healthy and happy bunch of plants that are ready to be put into flower... My questions now are 1) do I change the light cycle right away from...
  2. P

    leaves not opening

    Definitely nute burn.
  3. P

    Yellowing and curling

    G Good advice. They look am I. Thank you.
  4. P

    Yellowing and curling

    About 22-24". My previous mistakes unfortunately scared me into making new and entirely different mistakes on my second attempt with seedlings. I moved the light further away last night and they look a bit happier...I've made so many mistakes it's hard to tell which mistake caused which...
  5. P

    Yellowing and curling

    Should I try to flush it then? Thanks for this advice. I'll try this ASAP and let you know how they progress.
  6. P

    Yellowing and curling

    From a well. Rain water runs into it via eaves.
  7. P

    Yellowing and curling

    Thank you all for taking the time to reply Im so glad to have your expertise. Just to clarify I have always ph'd the water to 5.5-6.5 but really try to hover around 5.8 as I had read that it was optimal. I hadn't really bothered with the ppm readings thinking that as long as I had the proper...
  8. P

    Yellowing and curling

    I was watering with distilled water when they were seedlings. I use well water now. Ph is generally 5.0 to 6.3 or so, and Ppm is very low around 15. Yes I have also been using calmag... By foliar spray do you mean spraying water on the leaves? I never do that.
  9. P

    Yellowing and curling

    It is my second attempt at indoor growing; I managed to kill 9/10 white widow seedlings about a month ago when I made a series of critical mistakes... My problem now is that I've gotten my seedlings to about 3 weeks old. Some look wonderful and are getting 4th or 5th set of leaves .... One or...