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  1. J

    Timeless Stoner Music

    The Band. I can't believe no one has brought up The Band.
  2. J

    The Union Documentary: My gift to RUI

    That was great. Me and my girlfriend just sat through and I'm feeling rather educated. I'm definitely passing that on.
  3. J

    Super High Me

    I thought it was a pretty good movie and a good way to prove a point. It's funny, too.
  4. J

    Will marijuana ever truly be legal again in the US?

    Ahh shit. What's the current weight?
  5. J

    Will marijuana ever truly be legal again in the US?

    Mississippi has decriminalized possession under 30 grams for first offenses. It's a 200 dollar fine(give or take).
  6. J

    what r u listening to right now

    I've got some John Scofield playing at the moment. Good stuff.
  7. J

    Awesome Tattoo Idea!? gimme ur thoughts

    You've got more balls than me to put something like that on your head. Just be damn sure.
  8. J

    %((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow

    i'm keeping an eye on this on. looks pretty nice
  9. J

    Whats your state

    Mississippi, close to the birth place of the king
  10. J

    Nephilim (giant creature), remains found?

    I thought that was a viral video for that PS2 game that was just 12 or so giant boss fights(can't remember the name. look at the forum we're on. whadaya expect)
  11. J

    Thought I'd say hi.

    I've been reading pretty much everything thing stickied at the top of all the different sections. I'm a big fan of doing adequate research on something I plan on participating in. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.
  12. J

    Thought I'd say hi.

    I'm glad I found this place. There seems to be a ton of people with a wealth of information. I've been reading a ton of threads and have found a lot of things that I never bothered to think about. Thanks to all the info, I'm gonna start a stealth grow soon.:peace:
  13. J

    GOOD Movies to wach wile on psychedelics

    Sunshine and Muppets in Space