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  1. kyrollajoint

    100 watt cfl's

    I'm about to do a grow and I think I'm gonna use one of those 250 watt one on 2 plants. I'll post a thread soon. Should be pretty sick! :blsmoke:
  2. kyrollajoint

    My cabinet grow journal!

    How do you have your fans hooked up? Ive been trying to hook up fans but I can't figure out how to do it?
  3. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    So my plant is def. 100% female. YAY! It's a girl. lol
  4. kyrollajoint

    Post pics of your bong, bubbler, pipe, hookah! =]

    Bad ass. Where did you get the bong?
  5. kyrollajoint

    Post pics of your bong, bubbler, pipe, hookah! =]

    Get to work. Llolzz. bongsmilie:leaf:
  6. kyrollajoint


    Well I need one bad. I got a 15 inch glow glass bong with a 6.5' downstem diffuser and bowl off my buddy AJ for 30 dollars. It was one hella deal. And I really need a new one. Im wanting to get one from grasscity, but I havent really found one I like. I was seeing if you guys new of any site...
  7. kyrollajoint


    So my waterbong broke. =[ And im looking for a new one. Im wanting it no less than 15 inches. and It has to have a downstem defuser, and custom bowl! Any idea where I can get one cheap?
  8. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    male or female?
  9. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    molasses as in the brown sugar shit? lol
  10. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    how do i tell if its male??
  11. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    ok. and the and what are nutes and when should i give them nutes.?
  12. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    ok. well my plant has been growing for like 2 months and its only that big. what are nutes and when do you suggest i give it to my plant.?
  13. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    I'm not sure what kind of soil it is and how compact it is? My brother started growing it and then gave it to me b/c it wasn't growing fast enough. He then planted 3 more for him. And what are nutes [sorry if I sound stupid, but remeber it is my first time growing.]
  14. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    Ok so I removed the foil and moved my lights closer. Is that good? And I'm wanting to know on what kind of fertilizer i should use, when I should water it, If I'm missing anything. How to make it more potent.? And how can I get it to grow faster?
  15. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    How close do you suggest I put the lights?
  16. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    I just now like a week ago put the foil there to reflect the light.
  17. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    Well here is my set up. It's not too good, but it's all i've got. This is my first plant that I have ever grown, And my plant has been growing really slow. Its been like 2 months and this is as big as its gotten. It's sad. Some help pleaseeeee!
  18. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    well I have it in a fish tank. it has 3 lights over it. ill put some pics up in a minute.
  19. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    Well what all should I do to make it grow faster. It has the right amount of light and water. And im getting it new fertilizer with the right amount of nitrogen, potasiam, and phosphorus.
  20. kyrollajoint

    Plant problems [please read.]

    So my plant is growing really really slow. Any idea why?? :peace::bigjoint::leaf:bongsmilie:joint: