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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    oh ok I see .. I think imma go with the more than 80% red hairs .. It's my first grow so I think for my first they look beautiful .. And I have learned alot throught this grow .. So imma give about 1 week and a half and chop it.. I'm thinking about jus hanging it upside down and in a cool dark...
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Doc so yeah like y told u me j jus been flushing letting it get completely dry then flush .. How Much longer u think till I chop them.. I'm noticing that starting from the bottom the big fan leaves have been turning yellow and slowly wilt and become droopy I pluck them should I do it or leave...
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    ok I did another flush today and noticed that some of the red hairs are diminishing but lots more white hairs are popping up in other places and like replacing the red hairs.. The red hairs seem to be getting thin while thale white ones grow thicker and longer also more foliage is growing .. To...
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Hey was up Doc... I'm doing my last flush today then going on the no more nutes .. But before I did it I trimmed off all the foliage that was damaged .. Such as burnt leaves ... Yellow droopy leaves all over there weren't that many.. Was that ok to do .. That I flushed it and put it back to...
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Hey doc .. My lil plant is about 75% red hairs only giving bio bloom at almost every water .. I removed the big fan leaves that were damaged such as by light burn or yellowing at bottem and a couple that my cat bit is that ok.. It's a soil grow under 7 cfls 2700k ... Also some of the regular...
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    1st grow(bagseed)

    yo was up man Its been awhile since I came by I should have stopped by I see that u finished that's looks really good for a bagseed. Hope mine come out that way too .. Mine is jus bushy and looks fuzzy from so much white hairs on it .. Practically an ounce that's tight man u shouldn't be...
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    AG White Dwarf CFL GROW

    they look nice so far
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Good looking out jus flushed yesturday morning will give couple days.. Then I add the bio bloom.. So are like rare to find or can be found in any hydroponics store
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    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    Oh ok thanx for helping me out man nice to see we still have fellow stoners like u... Well yeah... I already flushed my plant yesturday morning and even made couple extra holes for better drainage .. So let it be for couple days right? I have bio bloom only...! What u think!
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    1st grow(bagseed)

    Wow man your plants look fucking nice.. Mine look like a really small version as it's on 4 week of floweing .. And yeah mine came from a bag seed too
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    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    ok does it mater that it's on it's 4 week of flowering ...
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    ok so they are well known huh that's good didn't really know much about those like I said my friend gave it to me but only bio bloom and that's it how do u think I should mix it .. I jus put 5ml in a 2 liter bottle of water and fed a little bit to it what u think.. What do u recomend..
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    ok will do it as soon as I get home from work .. Also I noticed some of the top fan leaves don't seem burned by the light kinda have dried tips and like curled in on a couple ones only.. I been looking for nutes but couldn't find any googled hydro store seem like there's a couple near or...
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Ok sounds good thanx for the help I will do it as soon as possible gotta get better nutes ... Also my top fan leaves grew to big and kinda burned lots of them it already out grew some of it but the burned leaves are still there should pluck them out...
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    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    Ey do u think that if im going to start new nutes should I flush first or jus apply it's a soil grow
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    1st grow(bagseed)

    Yeah I know seem like do.. Congrats on the seeds what type? Ey my friend gave me some bio bloom what u think about it
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    Myth busters

    What chu mean
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    Myth busters

    Oh ok so should chuck that male plant huh it's basically worth less
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Thanx DOC for the advise One more thing before I switch nutes should I flush or jus water a couple days and then add new nutes
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    ok sounds good and yeah I was a little confused about it but thanx I understand better now Yeah I need to get rid of them but did not know what to get.... umm where could I get Tiger Bloom went to couple of home depot couldn't find anything with flowering or blooming products .. Also my...