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  1. Marty0087

    First grow. Janice and friends.

    Here's some more pics of Janice. I will aslo add pics of the "friends" . Theses plants did not like their new soil, as They all have burn mark since repot but the grow is not stunt, I shouldnt be worry right?
  2. Marty0087

    First grow. Janice and friends.

    Hello fellow cannabis friends ;) Here I presente you Janice, a plant from bagseed. I've planted about 10-15 seeds and kept the 4 best looking seedling. Why this particular plant, she overgrown every other plants by much. It look and smell good. I hope for a female! The seedling pic been took Dec...
  3. Marty0087

    Do your friends know you're growing?

    If I'm successful and have a nice grow, I'm pretty sure she will be happy .
  4. Marty0087

    Do your friends know you're growing?

    Nice way to be greedy lol.
  5. Marty0087

    Do your friends know you're growing?

    Yeah that's what Ill be doing, and who know, she might be ok once she find how discret I am.
  6. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    . Any news? Did you find costumers or you stored your extra weed? Let us know friend.
  7. Marty0087

    Do your friends know you're growing?

    Damn that's suck. Thanks god my wife smoke weed and understand my needing to grow but I know it scare her. Thinking about stopping because I want her to feel safe at home but my plant are showing so much progress, I don't know what to do.
  8. Marty0087

    Welcome New Members!

    Welcome Jenny, I'm new too. You should find ton of info here, it is a really great forum. I started a grow from seedbag 2 week ago, my first one hehe and I have hope to be successful because of this forum. I wish you best of luck with your grow and many buds ;)
  9. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    Lol at the passive aggressive . I did respect everyone opinion, you didn't. Anyway OP now. If you want to keep debating, lets do it via pm. Let us know what happen with your overstuck, did you find any customer or decided to store it? I'm curious ;)
  10. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    I may sound stupid but since my primary language is not English ( I try my best hehe ) could you guys please tell me what you mean by the thread being OP? What op stand for?
  11. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    I did read science on both party. I just named this one but could have named other from Harvard prof or any other well know university. And not respecting someone else opinion is really close minded. Anyway, you will never make me believe in gun as much as I will never be able to make you...
  12. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    I respect your opinion but than again, I won't feel safe with a gun around me, I don't expect the same from anyone else, except my wife and kid. No firearm will enter my house, never.
  13. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    Not at all. But how many innocent life they took away. You have to take both number in the equation. Anyway as I said, I do respect American for they believe in firearm. But I will never agree that owing a firearm make you safe. No matter what ghetto you live in. It is important to fell safe in...
  14. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    im not trying to convert a gun owner to a non gun owner, as i know how important guns are to american and i respect that. But i wont agree that it is a fact that gun provide safety when ton of study show its false. Than again, if you feel safe with a gun, good for you, it is still a personal...
  15. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    Prof. Charles Branas and his colleagues at the university of Pennsylvania examined the link between gun possession and gun injury. The researchers matched these "control" for age, race and gender.They found that those with firearms were about 4-5 times more likely to be shot than those who did...
  16. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    he clearly said he wanted to sell is over stuck but never mention 5-10 kg/month like you did...I guess both of us doesn't know the "fact" since he did not mention how much overstuck he had. .What I know for sure is selling never been as dangerous for me than it is for you, and this is a fact. I...
  17. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    I do come from canada though, there is no such danger where I live, seem a lot more dangerous where you come from. 50-100 $Oz is a nice price, I wish you were living close to me :)
  18. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    I know many seller with really nice weed and none of them have a life like your. None of them Cary gun and none of them have been in story where 44 people die. I myself did sell weed for a "friend" and never felt in such danger, not even close. He's not asking to be the next weed cartel, all he...
  19. Marty0087

    How to get a customer?

    You are one gangsta brahh, lol
  20. Marty0087

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks guys, from what I've read, ill stick to white paint. Its better and less expensive, witch is good since i wont spent much for my frist grow. I plan on buying better light and good nutriments though but thats about it. A part from this, i give my plants ton of love.