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  1. I

    "Prohibition" Has Failed

    Sorry Fickle, please wait for the Indiegogo campaign. If we can concentrate our efforts, I feel everyone's contribution will be that much more effective. Thank you for your support!
  2. I

    How to get a customer?

    Is that because you have never been exposed and have no training? My Father trained me to use and respect firearms at an early age so that I had another tool at my disposal in life. Anyone that has shot alot and had guns around for any period of time know they are safer with them. They do not...
  3. I

    "Prohibition" Has Failed

    I wonder how many of you are going to be lifetime growers? Wouldn't it be worth a decent contribution to have 15% off grow supplies for life? I think I am going to make that a perk in the campaign.
  4. I

    How to get a customer?

    I have owned a gun since I was 11. I have carried a gun with me on a daily basis for 10yrs now. It has absolutely nada, nothing, zippo, zilch to do with buying, selling, smoking the cannabis. If you are in a situ where you think you might need a gun because of MJ, you have taken a seriously...
  5. I

    "Prohibition" Has Failed

    Thanks Fickle! You know what? I don't even have that set up yet as I was waiting for the Indiegogo campaign to begin collecting contributions. I will immediately begin a paypal account and or another way if people would like to contribute before or after campaign. There is soooo much to do, its...
  6. I

    "Prohibition" Has Failed

    I am in the process of launching a Cannabis related business that would promote legalization of home growing. I think it is safe to say that we would all breathe a sigh of relief if we didn't have to worry about our plant(s) or even our grow rooms being punishable offenses. I am in the...
  7. I

    Hiya Rollitup!

    Thanks Spek, with my screen name that rarely comes into question. I'm sure Trippy was just being colloquial. I am working on a couple campaigns to help further de-criminalization. Right now Show-me Cannabis has filed papers to collect the names for putting legalization on the ballot for 2016 in...
  8. I

    Hiya Rollitup!

    Thanks everyone. I'm trying, in my way, to support and promote legal home growing. Unfortunately that means I cannot grow atm. I'm working on an indiegogo campaign that will eventually need everybody's support. I think autos have a bright future with the personal use growers!
  9. I

    "Prohibition" Has Failed

    I'm trying, in my way, to support and promote legal home growing. Unfortunately that means I cannot grow atm. I think autos have a bright future with the personal use, home growers. I'm working on something that will eventually need everybody's support but it will definitely promote knowledge...
  10. I

    Hiya Rollitup!

    Aloha RIU, thought I'd stop by here 1st. Much to know about our loved plant! Thanks for having me.