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  1. dizzasta

    mornin all!

    Thanks Logan :) How was everyones Turkey day?
  2. dizzasta

    Need Help On CFL Grow

    Hey bra. Happy thanksgiving everyone. Let me Start by saying I am a very new grower. but dunk , from what I understand u want to avoid miracle gro. yea it does amazing things for tomatoes n lettuce but too many chemicals for bud. also I think u r gonna need more lights. from what I've read u...
  3. dizzasta


    Yea. already adjusted it to cycle slower and water is routed on the outskirts of the pot. but I will be shutting the whole system down for night cycle from here to see if that changes anything. I'm just hopin its not too late for this 1
  4. dizzasta


    Cool frosty thanks. yea that's a great idea. I've tried transplanting a couple mint plants from outside but they didn't make it. lol I'm not a good grower lol but I will keep trying. :)
  5. dizzasta


    Thanks blendy. Yea I have all my water ph'd and all. I flushed the res 2day with fresh filtered ph'd water. Have the fan goin just to keep heat down. even tho I'm running cfls I still have a temp of about 80°f
  6. dizzasta

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    HI everyone I've done a lot of reading and am still lost. I have a very young baby girl goin. she is in a top drip system in perlite. under cfls . now from the time I took her from the paper towel she started in and put her in the system she has been receiving filtered ph'd water with just the...
  7. dizzasta

    mornin all!

    What r marijuana laws like down under?
  8. dizzasta

    mornin all!

    Lol cool . I have a buddy in Colorado he said last week was -40°f lol
  9. dizzasta

    mornin all!

    Ok mornin critical lol how goes it? I'm havin a shitty mornin this far lol pun intended. I have a 90 lb pit that pooped all over my living room at 330 this mornin lol on the couch even. anyway I'm supposed to get snow here 2day so no work
  10. dizzasta

    mornin all!

    Hey everyone. I'm new round here just wanted to put myself out there. I'm dizz I'm a new grower lol well I'm a person that continues to try lol I've tried soil a few times and have moved to hydro.. I run a top drip under cfls, I kno its not the ideal set up but its discreet.. I am lookin to get...
  11. dizzasta


    Oh and hitman, u gotta be careful usin tap water cause the chemicals used to sanitize it. like chlorine. I don't kno what ur local water is like but around here that's a dead plant for sure lol
  12. dizzasta


    Ok news of this morning; no substantial change. leaves are slightly Brown and look brittle and dried out. turned EVERYTHING off lastnyt so no water and no lights overnyt..... 2day I'm only gonna run about 3000 lumens on her. Also gonna be adding fresh water to reservoir. I have noticed that the...
  13. dizzasta


    Lol no worries porter. and thanks frosty, il give it breaks from the drip. She does have her first leaves but they have turned yellowish Brown and seem to be drying out . I don't want to change too many elements at once but that will be 1 of the things I change. I also cut my light supply in...
  14. dizzasta


    Thanks lol I guess
  15. dizzasta


    There u go bra lol I'm just about to leave my pappys funeral so I will definitely be smoking when I get home
  16. dizzasta


    Its cool man like I said I'm grateful for any advice or input. But no I use bottled water. and yes I run my drip constant for the most part. I turn it off overnight sometimes. but I also am using mostly perlite as a medium and also have a couple straws sticking into the pot to allow air supply...
  17. dizzasta


    Using hydro system. top feed. Nutes are 5-1-1 fish fert at a VERY VERY low strength. MAYBE 1/8 recommended. I don't want to shock her. I had the lights right on about 3-5 inches away. I moved them to about 12" away.
  18. dizzasta


    Will do man. Thank u. lol nice pit pic. he urs? I'm a pit owner myself
  19. dizzasta


    Hi everyone. I'm a newbie here. And to growing as well. tried a few soil runs to no avail. I seemed to be runnin into root rot a lot with dirt. just set up a top drip system. using perlite medium. using cfls on account of space and so to remain at regular electric ratings. gorilla...