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  1. oneightseven

    OneEightSeven's First Grow...on this site

    I trashed my clones...they had no root growth and just looked rotten. I looked at the stem and it was all hollowed out and mushy. Today I took 5 more cuttings since the plant is pretty stretchy. These have thicker branches, are more hearty, and this time Im using rockawool cubes. I think the...
  2. oneightseven

    First outdoor grow......

    interested to see how this pans out for you, good luck!
  3. oneightseven

    OneEightSeven's First Grow...on this site

    So my plan to take cuttings and sex them to see what I have kind of backfired. As it turns out, I have no idea how to take care of clones and they are barely alive. By the second day I had the cutting under the humidity dome it looked like they started to rot, so I took the humidity dome off and...
  4. oneightseven


    I'm thinking about growing this in the future.....interested to see how these turn out. good luck!
  5. oneightseven

    OneEightSeven's First Grow...on this site

    update time.. I just topped the 2 pineapple express plants and I'm going to flower them, hopefully they are both girls! Blue hash is kinda growing slow but looks ok, maybe a little light green and needs some nitrogen? I haven't fed it yet, but I will prob give some light nutes as shes...
  6. oneightseven

    Grow Tent Club

    I have an Apollo, pretty solid construction, no light leaks. I'm satisfied with mine.
  7. oneightseven

    Northern Lights auto grow

    hey man looking good! my first grow was also an auto northern lights not too long ago...I was pretty surprised how big mine got....just a warning my plant got almost double the size after it flowered and I ended up having to havest it in 2 stages cause I was getting light burn on nugs :/
  8. oneightseven

    I think these got too big

    you can put some trellis over the top to lower them a bit
  9. oneightseven

    OneEightSeven's First Grow...on this site

    Hey everyone, I've grown a few times in the passed, mostly stealth pc grows and auto flower strains. This is going to be a bigger scale setup to what I'm used to. Heres My last pc grow that I harvested a few months ago, shes an auto Northern lights. Whats cooking now Stuff I Bought: 1...
  10. oneightseven

    GreenPoint Seeds Test Grow: Rugburn OG x Monster Cookies

    nice looking buds man!
  11. oneightseven

    Help me choose this or that..2 led lights

    so you guys are saying the 144x3 is not powerfull enough? for a 3x2?
  12. oneightseven

    Help me choose this or that..2 led lights

    Hello everyone. I'm planning my next grow, and its my first time entering the led realm. What turned me on to them is lower power consumption and cooler temperatures. I'm torn between 2 panels from Top LED Grow Light I'm Torn between the 96x3 and the 144x3 reflector series The tent this will...
  13. oneightseven

    right amount of plants for space

    hmm veg chamber....Right now I have a small cabinet grow that could be a veg chamber but its only 2 feet high with cfls and wont get much vegging in there...I was going to use the cabinet to start my seedlings and when big enough move them into my tent. I want to use soil/pear...
  14. oneightseven

    right amount of plants for space

    Hello everyone this is going to be my first post here....Hopefully more to come...A little background, right now I'm growing a single northern lights auto that is my experimental first has around 2 or 3 weeks of flowering left I think...Its not the best but I'm learning from you all...