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  1. Pot_Smoka

    Second opinion Pls

    This is a hermi right? Sorry if pics don't show much it's a auto and was getting cut down today because I noticed male parts i believe then waking up to this about 15 hrs later the top has a bunch of pistols just looking for a second opinion before I ripp it
  2. Pot_Smoka

    Auto critical cheese, problems with first autos.

    Don't have the actual tester but from the tests iv done (baking soda,vinegar and purple cabbage method) seems ph is neutral on both tests again the plants share the soil so one to b deformed is odd to me if caused by ph lvls. the twisted curled leaf was stuck in between the 2 pinching top...
  3. Pot_Smoka

    Auto critical cheese, problems with first autos.

    The widow is only separate one
  4. Pot_Smoka

    Auto critical cheese, problems with first autos.

    There actully sharing a wide range 3 spot planter so all get same water treatment too forgot to add that in post about a foot to 1.5 feet apart
  5. Pot_Smoka

    Auto critical cheese, problems with first autos.

    Its just the soil mixture havent watered in 3-4days its dry basically.
  6. Pot_Smoka

    Auto critical cheese, problems with first autos.

    Hey there I've grown a few personal grows and never seen this happen before Also the first time i tried auto fem seeds. So what i think happened is the top leafs basically "pinched" the plant it self and grew together as one leaf instead of 2 separate ones then the top of the plant bursted...