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  1. era137

    easiest outdoor strain

    it realy dosent mather what strain of weed you grow!just give it some love,nutes and sunlight and everithing should be fine
  2. era137

    easiest outdoor strain

    try orange bud,its a great strain and its easy to grow..
  3. era137

    WWIII began today

    babilon,you cant,no you cant slow down the rastaman..CULTURE
  4. era137

    WWIII began today

    but its great that so many people post on this thred,otherwise it would mean that nobody cares!!! thats to all of dem haters who say that stoners do not care!!! fuck all of dem,STONERS UNITE!!!!
  5. era137

    WWIII began today

    peace is all what its about,i think
  6. era137

    WWIII began today

    hehe,im just growing some white berry girls,should be done till summer and you are all invited to come,smoke some good shit,and do some wakeboarding and enjoy summer..RESPECT TO ALL OF YOU!!!
  7. era137

    WWIII began today

    hey,its all good,I see a lot of tensions about this subject,have to admit that I was carried away too..sorry if I dissed anyone!!my bad! havent smoked 4 three days so Im a bit jumpy..want to say that I love and respect all of you guys here..LET THE HEARB GROW!!!!!!
  8. era137

    WWIII began today

    his name was MILOSEVIC and the motherfucker was SERBIAN,not CROAT..hope he burns in hell!!!! no ethnic cleaning???just ask native americans what they think about that!!! look,Im not(what you guys call a HATER)!!IM just givin my opinion,no need to be agresive,we just debating
  9. era137

    WWIII began today

    finally someone who speaks the truth,respect!!!!
  10. era137

    WWIII began today

    ok,I fully agree to this(shnkrmn)..but,Americas moto was something like..we bring democracy to the mitlle east. what makes you think people want youre kind of demckracie,there,here,anywhere in the world 4 that mather..i dont get it! what makes America the judge and executor at the same time...
  11. era137

    WWIII began today

    i dont even want to know about U.S.A!!!as far as I am consered you are poor(the ones who support war)you dumb ass idiots amuse me!!hehe,so much 4 love and peace in the world! keep it up and soon we all be dead,good work
  12. era137

    WWIII began today

    you cant be serious???please tell me you just didn't say that just now!!!! wdf is wrong whit you??? dem Jews took their land whitout even asking,what are they supoust to do? picture this:UN or any other organization gives, lets say the whole country of California to the Jews just because they...
  13. era137

    WWIII began today

    ok,but you are not punishing one man,or a group of men,you(Busch administry),you are punishing milions of inocent people
  14. era137

    WWIII began today

    ok,you got me there but that was a long time ago,true,we still have IDIOTS who think that that time was cool,but most normal people,like 99% of us are ashamed of that part of oure history!!! Im not judgin any Country,race or religion for that mather,just saying that you are starting wars whit no...
  15. era137

    WWIII began today

    my race??? WTF are you talking about?dumb ass idiot..go bang your head against a wall,moron
  16. era137

    WWIII began today

    Im from Croatia,we had our war 15 years ago and it was hmmmm,cant find no words to describe it... the problem with America is that you never had a war on your own soil(exapt 2oo hundred years ago) so you dont know what you are doing to people! its all about numbers to you,one American dies you...
  17. era137

    WWIII began today

    fuck all of that,Im not agains jews but the reality is that they are doing the same shit now Hitler was doing to them 50 years ago,backed up by America! thats the one and only truth..bombing Palestinian schools and hospitals,its a shame..
  18. era137

    WWIII began today

    wtf is wrong with you U.S. guys???allways looking for a fight!i dont get it,youll fuck up the whole world!!! smoke a spliff and chill...
  19. era137

    1st grow, almost 7 weeks in flower

    awesome,i have a few white berry girls in the dirt right now.the are 5 weeks into vegg now and im not sure when to start to flower,thats why i ask! again,great job man..
  20. era137

    1st grow, almost 7 weeks in flower

    looking great,how long did you vegg dem?