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  1. D

    Just a "Heads up" for Meijiu 650watt F8+ users and prospective buyers.

    From an electricians point of view a dead short is much better than a loose connection. The loose connection arcs and that creates heat which we don't want. A dead short on the other hand blows the fuse/trips the breaker and damage is prevented. Good call to check your connections. Sometimes a...
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    Spider Farmer is coming--Win free SF4000 LED

    Spiderlight the growers delight.
  3. D

    The far red thread

    14 minutes a day of what 20w of light cost will be pennies/cents depending on where in the world you live.
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    Samsung H series strips, Arrow seems to be blowing them out! what a deal!

    Did you have a look at these drivers yet ?
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    Samsung H series strips, Arrow seems to be blowing them out! what a deal!

    I managed to bag 6 of these that got delivered today. Couple of questions if I may ? Does the voltage adjust automatically for example if I wanted to use them at the 40v range ? And also what dimmer can I buy that can be used with these ?
  6. D

    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    There are many of us including me that live in the EU (UK here) that have imported from China in my case kingbrite. I think I paid DHL £30 extra for import fees. But all in it was a much cheaper deal than I could source within the EU. Still going strong after 5 grows 18 months.
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    Samsung H series strips, Arrow seems to be blowing them out! what a deal!

    Same here we do have an idiot Prime Minister but he has stopped short of tariffs on China, Wouldn't be a great start when we are leaving huge free trade deal with the EU and actively seeking new free trade deals.....following President thump wouldn't be in UK interests at this point.
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    The far red thread

    Lol now you will spit your drink over the screen...but at the time in my hazy head I thought that the amount of far red might be too i stuck it in top corner of tent sort of shining down over the canopy at an that you mention it one of the plants is a good 8 inches...
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    The far red thread

    This is just a small sample i took yesterday at week 9 flower. Nothing to measure against as they are seeds i haven't grown before.
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    The far red thread

    Im like 1 week from end of flower to be honest. I will just switch them off for now and re-work the my setup out with a clear mind lol. Thanks for the advice guys. Will take it on board and make needed adjustments/new driver ect.
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    The far red thread

    My set up at the moment is 400w of white kingbrite board led 301b. I have 28w of far red coming on for 10 min about 2 min before lights out. I have this on a small driver on its own dig timer/ I also have a deep red strip with similar output 12 deep red leds giving a total of 28w.....but don't...
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    The far red thread

    I hate the type of lazy post im about to make lol. BUT Can someone give a rough table/guide as to how much/how long deep red/far red ? Something like X watts white light - y watts Far red - z watts Deep red Either stuck on the 1st post which could be edited or updated or even a "Far Red...
  13. D

    LED strip Lords. I need your guidance.

    Cutter is fantastic and when i ordered from UK it was here in less than 2 weeks. One negative is the customs/import fees were high. Think it added over 50% onto the total in my case. Not cutters fault in any way, but don't see a way round it either....unless we get a trade deal with...
  14. D

    Got a 660nm Red strip mixed up with 730nm

    I should add that the strips were in marked and stickered bubble rap it was my removing them both for their packing at the same time and then having that moment where you just cant for the life of me remember which was which. Nice strips btw. They are the 12 led ones welight where you can select...
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    Got a 660nm Red strip mixed up with 730nm

    Not marked - well actually identical markings lol.
  16. D

    Got a 660nm Red strip mixed up with 730nm

    As per title I bought these from cutter ages ago. Now i know this is newbie of all newbie questions but these strips are unmarked and I want to know which is which lol. One is much "brighter" than the other. Help please which is which lol.
  17. D

    Samsung F Strip Build

    Got 15 on their way too for less than £90....I could use them as under lighting in my kitchen and id still be saving cash lol. Anyway my FOMO was far too high...and with that in mind what is a "PDM"....? Again my fear of missing out lol.
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    Samsung F Strip Build

    Spoken from someone who has shouted NOOOooooo at the screen one too many times and now does this as standard.
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    Samsung F Strip Build

    Still 25 ish on digikey lol
  20. D

    Samsung F Strip Build

    Back down in price just grabbed 15....Quick while you can.