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  1. Uncle Fester

    7 Weeks Into FLOWER (Outdoor)

    Looks good, last night we were in frost advisory and temps dropped to low 40's it really sucks. Looks like 1-3 weeks left, depending on genetics. Good job, Fester
  2. Uncle Fester

    Length of time before harvest?

    Are you able to post some pictures? Be nice to see
  3. Uncle Fester

    Length of time before harvest?

    Agreed Brick Top, For instance my outdoor plant this year has 'some' sativa genetics (not saying this is an indicator) within her and she had pre-flowers (~14.5 hours light/day) while the vegetative stage continued.
  4. Uncle Fester

    Length of time before harvest?

    There's several steps that the plant goes through when switching to 12/12. First, is the sign of sex, this can take ~7-20 days from switching to 12/12. But these are just pre-flowers, not buds or smokeable material by any means. Next the pre-flowers undergo a transition into forming what people...
  5. Uncle Fester

    FAKE / LEGAL BUD EXPOSED!!! (the crap on a stick)

    As far as the Salvia Officinalis (aka Salvia O) I'm pretty sure a majority of the species within the Salvia genus contain the Salvinorum Alkaloids just to a way lesser or greater degree depending on species. But I completely agree with you just thought I would throw that out there. I'm glad the...
  6. Uncle Fester

    Taking a Sample

    Hello everyone, Just wondering what the least destructive/intrusive way to take a few clippings (not much at all) from the plant to test it out? Just read an article on how to quick dry samples but cant find to much on taking it. Thanks, Fester
  7. Uncle Fester

    Week 5 pic updates

    So just a little bored thought I would post some updates, just passed week 5 mark, hopefully she'll be done in 5-6 more weeks, or else I'll have to harvest pre-maturely. Enjoy
  8. Uncle Fester

    Something to smoke with

    Arn't bowls like $10-$20 USD on Dont get me wrong homemade pieces are cool but not beats glass so that's my two cents. BTW Just because your 15 doesn't mean you can't buy shit. I was buying vapes, at 15 and having them sent to neighbours houses and shit I knew. So its...
  9. Uncle Fester

    Branch scratching bamboo shoot...

    Thanks! Appreciate the speedy reply I'm going to go duct tape it now.
  10. Uncle Fester

    Branch scratching bamboo shoot...

    UPDATE: IMAGES Here's some pictures someone please help need to know to do...
  11. Uncle Fester

    Branch scratching bamboo shoot...

    So today I just realized for the first time that the top of my bamboo shoot is colliding with a higher branch during windy days (the shoot only goes roughly 1/2 way up the plant) as a result the branch is wearing at that location and is so damaged it formed a brown ring around the area directly...
  12. Uncle Fester


    I wonder if its possible to cultivate plants with frogs indoors. Maybe bufo species? Im sure it would be possible if you were able to create a grow-room with subtropical-type conditions and provide food for the frogs. Although this is a very stupid idea, im just high as hell throwing it out there.
  13. Uncle Fester


    I'm glad to here there good for pest control. I've heard of praying mantis being used, but with mixed results. From what it appears frogs have been beneficial for you guys so I guess he's got a new permanent home.
  14. Uncle Fester


    So upon inspection on my garden this morning I noticed some passing guests. Too my knowledge frogs are not harmful to the plant so I'm going to let him stay for awhile.
  15. Uncle Fester

    help peacey with her guerilla grow next season!

    Pots are effective for transportation. But at the amount your aiming to do it seems economically wasteful. Due to the fact they shouldn't be near your house nor hint that you yourself are running it.
  16. Uncle Fester

    help peacey with her guerilla grow next season!

    My buddy SWIM would germinate 50-70 seeds (no joke) Then root them until about 3"-4" tall in rockwool. Next, he would break down the groups into 7-10 based on his final amount of germinated seeds. And space them accordingly to how his property would allow without being detected hope this helps...
  17. Uncle Fester

    Mid-Michigan frost dates

    would frost cloth be applicable? I guess a pvc-type structure would be required to surround the plant?
  18. Uncle Fester

    Mid-Michigan frost dates

    Buds don't ruin in a frost?? Sounds newb of me. But I always thought a frost would degrade the buds and flowers. Anymore information on this im really interested??? The first date is my impeding-doom day so this would help put my mind at ease.
  19. Uncle Fester

    Mid-Michigan frost dates

    Northern Lower Pennisula here... We have a pre-frost (one frost before any cold drops in temps) early in october so lets hope its a long season. Its looking weary at the moment
  20. Uncle Fester

    orange hairs. already?

    its just a natural ageing process of the plants. Have no worries its completely normal