I don't kno all my temps. But I live in social .. Nd at night time it gets to 55 degrees outside .. I got my plants under some small light bulbs tht push out 350 lumes a piece .. I believe.. My plants could be doing a lot better .. But I'm unexpirienced. .. U Guess It .
Really .. I usually do this every morning .. The only difference this time is tht I took off the tape cause it looked like It was squeezing the stem .. (This was last night around 9)
Took my plants outside this morning nd they were fine .. Came back after I was done playing cod .. Nd I found this .. Maybe an hour if tht I was gone ..
I have 2 plants . this my first time getting this far . I broke one my plants stem (90% of it) nd the other one i believe I topped it . don't really know wht to do next .