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  1. K

    how to get perfect soil? Need help Please. Everything is ready except soil and weather.

    I'll show you some pics later, i'm going to find some spots for planting.
  2. K

    how to get perfect soil? Need help Please. Everything is ready except soil and weather.

    Well, a lot of horticultural companies have added additional fertilizer into the soil and their products, is here anybody know about it? For example, the jiffy peat pellets, when you use this for germination or cloning, it's much faster than the coco coir or pure peat moss. They declared they...
  3. K

    how to get perfect soil? Need help Please. Everything is ready except soil and weather.

    Hey guys, my clones are growing and now i need to prepare for the soil. Most of those stuffs are on the delivery, but i still have some confusion and problems. I have searched a lot for organic soil recipe, like the followings: Soil A. Composted Super Soil Ingredients 6 bags x 10-gallon (35...
  4. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    I've got a mutant clone. It's weird.
  5. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    For me, it's not easy to down the hills so what you said 'Prepare for the worst case scenario' is right. Well, my clones are growing rapidly, but the weather outdoors is frustrating. It is said that the strongest El Nino is coming this year, even said it's the severest one of the past two...
  6. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    Wow, you have a good memory. East or west, cannabis is the best, right? Ha ha. Actually you have little chance of being bitten by snakes. However, most people are afraid of them, especially when you are in the mountains, you can't get rescued within one or two hours, that's definitely a deadly...
  7. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    Ha ha, it took me several days to figure out the solution. Firstly you need to wear leather boots or galoshes. Secondly you'd better buy a rubber gloves when you need to use your hands, such as picking up blocks or something which you need to do it by hands. Then buy some snake repellent on...
  8. K

    TMB's BIG SIX 2015 Outdoor

    Sorry to hear that your Marley was bit by the rattlesnake. I know that most of the dogs are afraid of snakes really, they usually escape when they see a snake, your dog seems pretty brave. I hope everything goes well, and I have to say your plants are gorgeous!
  9. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    Ha ha, bro, I can't afford the cost of all plants indoors, two plants need a 200 watt LED row light, HPS or HID will take an expansive electricity bill. 100 plants need many grow lights, currently my situation doesn't allow me to grow indoors.
  10. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    oops,something wrong with the file uploading.
  11. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    Thank you. Because some paths are untraversed, that makes me a little worried.
  12. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    How about these mountains?
  13. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    Ha ha, why don't you try to be a snake charmer? I post this thread here seriously, not for making jokes.
  14. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    Thanks for your reply, I'll post the mountain view here.
  15. K

    When and how to transplant clones to outdoor environment?

    How many are you going to plant? And how to avoid snakes?
  16. K

    How to avoid snakes outside? Need help please.

    Sorry to say that I'm extremely afraid of snakes outside, especially when you encounter a viper. I may be exaggerating a little bit, I fear nothing but snakes. So, how to avoid them? Besides using a stick to make noise, singing or speaking aloud and is there anything I can do to avoid them...
  17. K

    When and how to transplant clones to outdoor environment?

    Ha ha, really a little hard to read your reply because there are no periods and commas. Yesterday and today I have put them under 4 hours darkness. I think you need to wait some time until the plants get a little bigger because small plants are usually weak and fragile. They can't withstand the...
  18. K

    When and how to transplant clones to outdoor environment?

    Okay, I will pay attention to that, I know that if indoor plants are transplant to outdoor directly, they are inclined to be burned by the hot sun light. I will put them outside in some continuing cloudy days. Keep focusing on my posts, ha ha. Thank you.