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  1. Lupiuz

    No more growing for me...

    Glad to hear things went good man. :leaf:
  2. Lupiuz

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Thanks for the info!
  3. Lupiuz

    Plants 2 weeks into flowering!! How are they looking??

    Awesome plants man
  4. Lupiuz

    This is starting to scare me a bit.

    Looking beautiful man.
  5. Lupiuz

    No more growing for me...

    Yep, it's like that here in Iceland too, I'm forced to stealth-grow. People need to wake up and realize that the herb is helping people.
  6. Lupiuz

    No more growing for me...

    Hey man, I don't know you but I know how you feel man and the feeling ain't nice. When a similar thing happened to me, not the ratting-out thing, but I got caught, I took the chance to acctually get my life together, started working out, hung a lot more out with friends, and acctually took some...
  7. Lupiuz

    Why haven't my seeds sprouted yet?

    Certainly don't look normal, especially in the last picture.
  8. Lupiuz

    how many watts?

    mr.schroederific is definitely right. 4x600w is A LOT.
  9. Lupiuz

    This is starting to scare me a bit.

    Yeah, forgot to say good luck man.
  10. Lupiuz

    This is starting to scare me a bit.

    Seeing as it's mostly the lower part of the plant that has been affected, have you considered Lollipopping it? What I mean is cut off like the bottom 1/4th of the plant. Bottom leaves don't get as much light as the top ones and are really just sucking up energy (and clearly Nitrogen in your...
  11. Lupiuz

    somthing aint right with them leaf's

    Maybe you're using rusty water?