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  1. PowerK

    seriously need help, can't figure it out

    Strain: Moby Dick - Feminized Age: 8 days - Seedlings Problems: The pictures show it all, leaves are deformed, way to dark green, giving off a very strong weird smell (never had seedlings do this), leaves are curling up like crazy, and very dry. Ruled out: Enough water, light at 18 inches from...
  2. PowerK

    Seedling Defiency ?

    I have 4 Moby Dick seedlings about 1 week old. Growth is doing fine, but I have them under a 300 watt led light hung about 6 inches above them. It is cool on my hand so heat is not the issue, they are also getting enough water. I usually start them in a regular potting soil but this time I...
  3. PowerK

    Clones are dying?

    Thanks for the feedback, once I put it under the humidity dome and misted it a bit she perked up within the hour - this is one hell of a hobby :hump:
  4. PowerK

    Clones are dying?

    Had to chase away a rabbit from eating my plants today (need to get a fence put up) to see It bit the plant at the bottom of the stem which snapped it clean off. Tried to save it by using the cloning technique and it seems to be dying now. Within 2 hours its gone all limp and drooping over...
  5. PowerK

    Stems keep getting weaker and more flimsy

    So I started growing some plants and they were doing fine. They keep falling over and the stems keep getting weaker and they look really skinny where they attach to the root. They have been getting enough light and they are not over watered. I don't know what's wrong with them. Only thing I...
  6. PowerK

    Leaves twisting up

    My little lady's are twisting and curling up at the ends of the serrated part of the leafs please help