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  1. M

    DOJ moves forward against Charles Lynch!!!

    Courtesy of the Marijuana Policy Project In a severely disappointing move, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a memo last week stating that the federal arrest and prosecution of California medical marijuana provider Charles C. Lynch was “entirely consistent” with its new policy on medical...
  2. M

    Intake/Exhaust questions...

    Just use a charcoal or carbon filter for your intake just like you would for your exhaust. The filters will do the same job either way. As far as how much ventilation, you'll want a fan that can recycle the total volume of air from the room in about 5 minutes or so. CFM stands for cubic...
  3. M

    I read about it on the Marijuana Policy Project's website. If you haven't been to the site...

    I read about it on the Marijuana Policy Project's website. If you haven't been to the site, they have several links to message the Missouri state reps. The Missouri reps desperately need reassurance that the people and voters want medical marijuana. They seem to be quite hard headed about it...
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    Missouri Medical Marijuana Bill HB 277!!!

    Missouri has introduced it's medical marijuana bill for the third year now. The last two years the bill was assigned to the House Crime Prevention and Public Safety Committee, ensuring it would die in committee without a hearing. I didn't even know Missouri had a bill until about a month ago...
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    Marijuana Policy Project

    bump it upbongsmilie
  6. M

    Marijuana Policy Project

    bump it to the top
  7. M

    Marijuana Policy Project

    The Marijuana Policy Project is the largest organization working against marijuana prohibition and reforming the marijuana laws at the local, state, and federal levels. Upon visiting their site, there are links to ALL 50 states, where you can write your state reps and legislators. They even...