Search results

  1. MaineCloneCollector

    Neeming indoors - how to minimize unpleasantness

    Hi, During the summer I usually take indoor plants outdoors when I spray them with neem oil to cut back on the unpleasant odor that seems to permeate everything in the house if I spray directly indoors. That won't be an option for me when it gets colder in a few weeks so I was wondering what...
  2. MaineCloneCollector

    Deficiency? Please take a look at pics 2 plants

    Hi, Noticed some problems on a couple of different plants of the same strain. Using Pro-mix BX nothing added and watering with Grow Big. Don't think I over-fed them, as it doesn't look like a nutrient burn. They didn't get too close to the lights, they were the furthest ones away. The Grow Big...
  3. MaineCloneCollector

    Can a lack of nitrogen/flushing too early inhibit trichome maturation?

    Hey, I was just wondering if a lack of nitrogen would contribute to trichomes not turning amber. I've been flowering a few different strains out and it seems like the trichomes should have turned more amber than they have by now. These are 8 week strains and I'm letting them go 9 weeks because I...
  4. MaineCloneCollector

    Can a Digital(Plastic)Hygrometer possibly contaminate flowers that are curing in jars?

    Hi, I'm looking at buying some hygrometers to help me get the best possible cure for my harvests. I have multiple jars, so I'll most likely purchase multiple hygrometers to make things easy. I'm obviously not interested in buying multiple items if they are likely to end up being basically...