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  1. D

    not mj or plant related. any body else having severy stomach pains ?

    I pray to god your right, I would rather be pregnant with octuplets than never be able to smoke again. haha but unfortunately the latter seems to be the most reasonable explanation
  2. D

    not mj or plant related. any body else having severy stomach pains ?

    haha KLITE this was my 2nd most reasonable conclusion. I had been drinking tap water for quite some time, and did stop drinking tap water during my recovery phase because I switched to gatorade to help me rehydrate. However, the marijuana cessation immediately (within a day or two) made me feel...
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    not mj or plant related. any body else having severy stomach pains ?

    Side note: There is nothing we can do about people claiming BS on a rare health condition that almost kills the people who have it. I was unable to eat, drink water, regulate my body temp, etc. all things related to the endocannabinoid system. Then when I quit marijuana - I got better...
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    not mj or plant related. any body else having severy stomach pains ?

    CHS is 100% real. If you do not believe so, you are wrong and think your are right, so there really is no telling you otherwise. It is incredibly rare but I assure you I have it. Chronic smoking led me to wake up every morning with nausea and vomiting after about 5 years of smoking every day...
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    Hey man. I just came to the conclusion/have been diagnosed with CHS. I was waking up every...

    Hey man. I just came to the conclusion/have been diagnosed with CHS. I was waking up every morning sick as hell vomiting. But I kept smoking. Doctor told me to stop cause I may have it, and now I am completely back to normal after 10 days of not smoking. Mind telling me your story and letting me...
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    Hey man. I have CHS pretty bad, it got to the point where I was sick and vomiting every morning...

    Hey man. I have CHS pretty bad, it got to the point where I was sick and vomiting every morning. I've been clean for 10 days and I am just about 100% back to normal. Any luck picking it back up? I really can't believe that CHS makes it so you can not smoke even once ever again. Let me know how...
  7. D

    Hey man how's the CHS? I have it too and have been off marijuana for about 10 days, all symptoms...

    Hey man how's the CHS? I have it too and have been off marijuana for about 10 days, all symptoms have just about gone away. Have you tried smoking again after a long break?