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    First DIY stealth aeroponic cabinet grow, SOG

    Dude, you could borrow my light panel from my cab for now if you want, I have those big bulbs too. I'm going to start working on it again but I don't need that part basically until I'm ready to go (I'm making a duplicate for the other side anyway). Hopefully it fits, I think it will. I got...
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    Pics need help

    I found that I got this problem when I was trying to attach an image that was too big. On the Manage Attachments page there's a list of max sizes. Every time I had one bigger, when I shrunk it, it worked. Hope that helps!
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    First diy stealth cab cfl soil grow

    Heh, sick, forgot that. The one thing I think I forgot was screen or rope or something for ScrOG.
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    First diy stealth cab cfl soil grow

    Alright so I've finally had some time to work on this again. I got the fan in place, and an outlet to power the lights and whatever else I might need. I still need to get some silicone to seal the fan box so it's airtight. Next steps are the two extra fans and wiring for that (I have an...
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    First DIY stealth aeroponic cabinet grow, SOG

    Oh damn, I have that Monday off! Need some extra hands?
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    First diy stealth cab cfl soil grow

    It's pretty small, I was going to start with 2 and see how that goes... The good thing about this cab is that if I do it the way I'm planning, it's actually venting into a lower chamber so if smell becomes a problem I can close off that section and add more filtering of some kind. Thanks for...
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    First diy stealth cab cfl soil grow

    Alright so I've decided to go with the setup I showed in that paint drawing because I found the SICKEST fan at work to use overtop of the hole between the chambers. It's a (large) computer fan with a cover on one side with a port that I will put facing down to pull air up through the right...
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    2nd Grow, Northern Lights

    Looks sick, gives me confidence for my cfl soil grow :D
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    First diy stealth cab cfl soil grow

    Is it prime time? I dunno... bump :)
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    First diy stealth cab cfl soil grow

    Anyone else out there have some creative ideas for venting? I want to make sure I exhaust all ideas before constructing anything. For the moment my 100cfm fan is blowing out my window so I can smoke in my room without my roomates caring lol Edit: Fucken baked... didn't notice the terrible...
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    First diy stealth cab cfl soil grow

    Sweet, that's good to hear, especially when i get 4 bulbs in there. So here's my dillema... ventilation. i have the two chambers and I want to vent them with one fan. So I have this crazy idea, but the one problem is light isolation... somehow I need a path from one chamber to the other with...
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    First diy stealth cab cfl soil grow

    Good call, I was thinking as I wired them that I shoulda got dual sockets but Y-adapters will do the trick. Forgot I had more pictures that wouldn't upload last time... maybe I shoulda mounted the sockets a little farther from the side. obviously it will be straight once I fix the shelf but...
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    First diy stealth cab cfl soil grow

    Ok so I found this cab by the side of the road some time back with the intention of growing something in it, and I finally got around to getting some work done. First, I had to reinforce the back, which was weak and I didn't want to have to worry about it so I strapped some 1x2 to the back...
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    First DIY stealth aeroponic cabinet grow, SOG

    Sick dude, will it really only take 14 days before you start the flowing cycle? I guess you still get growth (size wise) while flowering so you want to make sure they still fit by the time they're done I guess? You have any pics of how big they're getting?
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    First DIY stealth aeroponic cabinet grow, SOG

    Why the cups?