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  1. W

    1st time outdoor bagseed wilting and dying any1 who knows about transpiration plz help

    Okay cool, thanks guys i hope it works out. Im just confused hahaa dang plant is literally dripping water out of the tops like little balls of water covering the whole leaf surface. looks frosty with alil sunlight lol oh n the 1st clone i got was in a smaller pot and got way more miracle grow...
  2. W

    1st time outdoor bagseed wilting and dying any1 who knows about transpiration plz help

    Thank you very much for the reply bugeye. So the heating of the roots may be part of why the plant throws its water from the roots to the top growth?
  3. W

    1st time outdoor bagseed wilting and dying any1 who knows about transpiration plz help

    Basically i have a plant thats been growing great outdoors for about a month now, well up until a few days ago that is lol and ive only grown 2 clones from local dispensaries.. so this is my first real grow and its bagseed so im pretty excited its female but now im worried bout other issues...