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  1. L

    Newbie/ outdoor growing problems

    Sounds like a sure way to know what nutes your lacking where I can get one of them lol
  2. L

    Newbie/ outdoor growing problems

    Im no expert with nutrients lol could u give me example of an all purpose type nutrient. Don't they label by three numbers (2-2-2) something like that?
  3. L

    Newbie/ outdoor growing problems

    What nutes should I give her right now? And what nutes does she need while in the flowering stage?
  4. L

    Newbie/ outdoor growing problems

    I am in texas so I believe they require a lot of water they are in sunlight for way more than 8 hrs. The soil is dry much of the time I go out there.
  5. L

    Newbie/ outdoor growing problems

    Nope no nutrients but it def seems like I should, leaves are turning yellow and falling off by themselves sometimes and they wrinkle and turn brown at the tips sometimes too. I had males in there for awhile before I even took them out. Will that affect budding?
  6. L

    Newbie/ outdoor growing problems

    Im wondering whats going on with my calyx's they are turning a brownish color some of them are still green though. I live in texas I keep them outside all day and usually give them two gallons of water every day