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  1. J

    FULLY AUTOMATED GROW.......remote monitor clone to harvest??

    I guess technically you COULD, but I'm of the mind you're really rolling the dice on your investment. You need to be there daily to check the plants up close, since they tell you what's going right or wrong. What about pest infestation? What if a feed tube falls out of place? What if a light...
  2. J

    Super Cheap DIY Computer Automation / Monitoring / Control

    Nothing but love her, but all the technicals around the DIY part sent my head spinning, and all I can think is, the guys are auto grow, growtronix, link 4, and smart bee controllers have done all this work for you. That's the value in the investment, no?. The Smartbee system gives light, temp...
  3. J

    3 Easy Steps to Automate Your Soil Watering

    I can't stress how important developing an irrigation strategy can be. Yes, how much water to give them, intervals, duration, and timing are all crucial, however one thing I see missing from these plans is dry down rate. Since over and under-watering is the most common problem and difficult to...
  4. J

    nutrient injection / automation ?

    Sorry if this is a silly question, but where does the water come from currently?
  5. J

    Help with coco pot size and automated dtw

    DTW or recirculating system is a good first start, but I'm a fan of knowing what's in my cubes to ensure my EC is balanced and I'm flushing salts out. Are you married to pots and coco? I'm a fan of rock wool myself. I don't know if the drip is the norm, but certainly direct feed lines. In a...
  6. J

    Need help with automated watering!!

    there are plenty of great timers out there, but obviously nothing is foolproof. Aside from the plant questions, what current method do you use? What type of nute mix, etc.? Some of these factors also come into play for devising a solution.
  7. J

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    What about the lack of airflow to the unit and keeping it in such a confined space? Do you find you have overheating issues? They make a silence for these that keeps them pretty quiet.
  8. J

    Automating my spot

    Wait, so So is the problem the product, or the zigbee network? Shit, now I have to find out what zigbee is...
  9. J

    Automating my spot

    I read about this automating my garden business in this month's Maximum Yield. Has anyone ever tried those automated grow room set-ups? I was looking at They happen to be the ad next to the article, and if this does what it says, I can make sure everything's working...