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  1. Grateful Dad

    First grow Heavyweight Fruit Punch

    My first exp with heavyweight seeds. All 5 germed and grew well. Had to toss one due to space. This was a easy strain to work with which is how heavyweight descriped this strain. I had 3 very diff phenos out of the four. None which was a keeper for me. Had 1 plant hermie late in flower. Found 5...
  2. Grateful Dad

    First grow Heavyweight Fruit Punch

    This is a shot of what I feel to be my NL pheno. She is much shorter than my other three.
  3. Grateful Dad

    First grow Heavyweight Fruit Punch

    Thanks to figgy for the journal. I'm on weak 8 of my fp grow. Like before mentioned I have found 4 pheno similar to what figgy described. Joined just to check out the journal pics as this is my first exp with heavyweight seeds. And found no real info on this strain. Thanks to all the long time...