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  1. Grow 4 Show

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    thanks man I'm sorry for being so vague what I meant was at night my exit vents are on but my fans are off outdoors you don't have this luxury but in greenhouse your God looking forward to more pics take care...
  2. Grow 4 Show

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    I'll be doing a large indoor grow with aeroponics let's stay in touch buddy
  3. Grow 4 Show

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    a bug just read your whole journal great job green house grows is my forte over 30 yrs I'm in Phoenix this year and moving to Colorado Castle Rock I love your attention to detail but remember its a weed
  4. Grow 4 Show

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    hey brother they look great but take the fans off them they need sleep you need your rest so do they
  5. Grow 4 Show

    whatsup members I'm a Master Grower moving from Phoenix Arizona to Colorado very soon with my...

    whatsup members I'm a Master Grower moving from Phoenix Arizona to Colorado very soon with my own huge legal grow aeroponic is the way to go