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  1. L

    Not sure what's wrong, just know something is.

    Side view and top view. This one popped the same time as my other plant, but took a day or two more to break soil. It has grown like this since the beginning, but has recently picked up its growth. has anyone seen this before? Any ideas on what the cause could be? The other plant is a lot...
  2. L

    First Grow. Indoor/Sunlight

    First image is the plant that had the snapped stem. It's been 9 days since I replanted it deeper in the soil. Second image is the runt. No idea what's wrong with it.
  3. L

    First Grow. Indoor/Sunlight

    Another update. Everything seems to be going well. The first plant with the snapped stem seems to have recovered and is back to growing. The runt is growing taller, still being a runt. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm going to let it keep growing since it wants to.
  4. L

    First Grow. Indoor/Sunlight

    Well, a quick update. Had to toss one of the plants. Currently waiting to see wjat comes of the strongest one (the first picture in OP) necause I was replanting them and my cat pounced it (snapped the stem towards the bottom, but it's still attached, replanted with the break beneath the soil)...
  5. L

    First Grow. Indoor/Sunlight

    The 3rd single photo is the late bloomer and the one the seems to be struggling. I'm no expert though so any input and/or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
  6. L

    First Grow. Indoor/Sunlight

    Not exactly sure of the strain, I just know the seeds came from either Sour Diesel or Blue Dream. I had about 10 seeds from last summer and threw them on a damp paper towel. 8/10 popped, but I chose 3 that seemed like they would have a stronger root system in the long run. It's been roughly a...
  7. L

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everybody! I've been lurking on and off for awhile now. Decided to join the ranks after I jumped into my first small grow.