Search results

  1. H

    Federal Government Stance on Marijuana ?

    Firstly, the feds have not taken a "hands-off" approach. Regardless of what your president said, they're still burglarizing and imprisoning individuals and dispensaries just as usual, even in the recreational states of washington and colorado. Secondly, the rest of your post reeks of naivety...
  2. H

    Need recommendations for stealth cab & ventilation

    This is gonna be very good material to digest. Thanks for the tip, there's a lot of similarities.
  3. H

    Buyer Beware - Fakes on Amazon & Ebay

    I called Advanced LED Lights to ensure the models being sold on amazon or ebay are the same ones as direct from their website, and they are not. The representative at Advanced LED Lights said they have a federal lawsuit pending against the company selling look-alikes under their name and model...
  4. H

    Need recommendations for stealth cab & ventilation

    Messing with the electrical system is just something I'm not comfortable with (yet, at least). And, inviting an electrician in to do a semi-sketchy install seems to be adding another potential intel leak that I don't want. I'm following the forum's general advice on not telling anyone...
  5. H

    Need recommendations for stealth cab & ventilation

    I appreciate your input. I initially looked at grow tents or converting closet space...even building a false wall in one. I have plenty of space, but my issue is power. I'd love to do it, but none of the spaces I could hide a tent have outlets (nor venting, for that matter). They would...
  6. H

    Need recommendations for stealth cab & ventilation

    New guy here. I'm planning a stealthy, 1 full-size plant cabinet grow in a typical suburban house, and would really like you experienced folks' input. First, is extensive carbon filtration really good enough to keep all odor under control without outside venting, even during flower? I've...