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  1. quietgrow420

    Xin's first grow

    @xinjun - Yeah man you seem to be picking up quick. I'd say don't bother training her, she's seen her fair amount of stress, of course it's your call. We shall see what you've learned put into hope and then onward! @neonknight420 - Ye for sure, buckets and air stones as well.
  2. quietgrow420

    Xin's first grow

    Hey man, read through this and I'm gonna stick with ya on this adventure. Consuela has made quite the turn around, good job! Like everyone said, it's a learning experience. I'm learning lots as well... just cross reference everything you hear and go by feel is my advice. :) You said you are on...
  3. quietgrow420

    Outdoor Guerilla Grow Journal (Ladyburn 1974, White Widow)

    Anyone else growing these strains outdoor? I'd like to sub and take notes if that's ok :)
  4. quietgrow420

    Chillin, smokin some nice dro. Life is good and quiet right now... ahh.. this tokes for you...

    Chillin, smokin some nice dro. Life is good and quiet right now... ahh.. this tokes for you!
  5. quietgrow420

    Outdoor Guerilla Grow Journal (Ladyburn 1974, White Widow)

    Hey everyone, what's going on!? I'm new here, I have a bit of experience and I look forward to the adventures. SOOOOOO... It's that time of year again and seeing as I haven't been able to grow for the last 4 years, it's sure to be enjoyable. Here's the the details! Strains: Ladyburn 1974...