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  1. killamanilla420

    Finishing off my mini cabinet, need some advice (pics)

    to seal my door i got some of that foam weather stripping for doors worked well comes in all sizes and lenghts
  2. killamanilla420

    Spots and deficiencies during flowering (Pics) Help

    ièd say get a new cup man bigger 1bet the roots r goin crazy in that lil a** cup
  3. killamanilla420

    Im about to burst with anger!

    what dosn't killem makes than stronger thay be good
  4. killamanilla420

    Dimmer switch as fan control?

    hey im thinkin of using a over the range micriwave exhaust fan but haning truble with the power control part any answers
  5. killamanilla420

    who is the light expert?

    thats wild man 2 months and bam
  6. killamanilla420

    question about germination

    just tryin to get some seeds crackin here n was wondering a bout temperature its a lil cooler now being fall in canada
  7. killamanilla420


    just cus there is somany in toronto and surounding areas such as the flea market
  8. killamanilla420


    i seen a lot of ppl talkin a bout ordering seeds off the net just wondering is there no exotic seed stores or seed banks
  9. killamanilla420

    Deadly pot! Noone smoke!

    if u wanna die from pot smoke it with that flavor shit burns like a mother tuker n cant be good for you at all
  10. killamanilla420

    Closet Grow Odor Control/Drainage-Ideas??

    ya u/v blubs is what thay were using in what thay called a dna odor distroyer
  11. killamanilla420

    exhaust fan wiring help

    sry no cam just now but its got the motor at the left side with 5 lines coming out black white yello red and finaly blue now at the end of both the white n black there is a circle than otu of the circles come lines witch conect to gether in a circle now the yellow and red lins arnt that long and...
  12. killamanilla420

    exhaust fan wiring help

    o its got a lil diagram on the motor shows the white n black together with the red n yello under it thay go together and than the blue along the bottom that conects to the white n black with this thing in the line i forget what the symbol it
  13. killamanilla420

    Closet Grow Odor Control/Drainage-Ideas??

    ya man the light thing my old work had this machean for garbage rooms n it had to bulbs in side n 2 little computer fans witch sucked in the air went over the kight witch distroy smell on the cell levle your left with a slight smell of welding fums but not weed stink trying to remember the type...
  14. killamanilla420

    exhaust fan wiring help

    hahaha ya sorry about that my spelling is so bad cus i never cared in school n the l8 and r is becuse of that msn but ya thanks for all yo help.. but the motor after even like 2 min starts to smell like something is getting way to hot i know the flow of electrisity creats heat but should be that...
  15. killamanilla420

    exhaust fan wiring help

    celing fan speed ajuster where would i get this? ye i figuer the other wires r for other speeds but i dont need tham just the black n white right? and its the motor getting hot but i am guessing that its cus the 120 out of the wall is to high
  16. killamanilla420

    exhaust fan wiring help

    man its quiet when its not in the nuker but the problum im having is there are white black blue n 2 others the black n white i know r the power wires so i tryed to take an extension cord cut off the 1 end hooked it up to the black n white but the motor gets mad hot so i thought a light dimmer...
  17. killamanilla420

    exhaust fan wiring help

    any 1 this is the last thing in my box i need to get hooked up or what would maby be a good alternitive that allredy is just a plug in n go
  18. killamanilla420


    hey any 1 help me with wiring an exhaust fan off a over the range microwave
  19. killamanilla420

    exhaust fan wiring help

    im starting a aerogarden grow and im building a little grow box i wanna use this exhaust fan out of my old over the range microwave any 1 ever try this, i thought it was as easy at hookin the black n white wires to the cut cord i had but it heated the motor up quick so i got a dimmer for a light...
  20. killamanilla420


    ust got some seeds from this place i was lookin for some lowryder cus i heard it was an eazy grow small plant for my new aerogarden but he had this master low any 1 heard of this