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  1. MushroomBandit

    An interpretation on Christianity

    Satan What exactly is Satan in the Bible? If we look up Sataan in Hebrew we will find it means "adversary", or "obstruction". It's an interesting fact that many cases Satan is actually written ha-satan, or "the adversary". Seems more like a description than a name. In the Book of Job this...
  2. MushroomBandit

    An interpretation on Christianity

    To be fair, what you've said may have gathered some listeners. You may have even changed a persons way of living or brought them to an epiphany. But Jesus taught thousands and people followed him and listened to every word he spoke. People believed in him so much they gave their lives for his...
  3. MushroomBandit

    An interpretation on Christianity

    The men that recorded Jesus' teachings and miracles seperately all managed to get the same basic story. It definately lends to the credibility of each other. Also there are other figures outside of the that can lend credibility to Jesus. Not his words, but his life. Here's an article for the...
  4. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Creepa, No prophecy goes unfulfilled, and most have been fulfilled. If you are as wise as you believe yourself to be, buy Ken Johnson's book Ancient Prophesies Revealed. This book proves that prophesies of the bible...
  5. MushroomBandit

    An interpretation on Christianity

    Intro What does one mans ideas on religion have to do with the religion itself? You will find many different views and many of them will contradict each other and themselves. Do you understand why this is? It's because religion isn't a science. It's our history and people are deciphering it in...
  6. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Lul. Or like "tallest midget"
  7. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    LOL! "Most prominent?" You might want to re write that post to say "some dumb guys trying to defend Christianity." Can I has more propaganda? Religion is very much factual. But I don't think that is what you meant. As far as evidence, there's more than enough of it. Prophesy is Gods way of...
  8. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Now for some Maths. After serving 70 years of the punishment for not accepting Jesus as their Lord they are left with 360 years. But since the Jews went back to their same routine god punished them sevenfold. So now 360 x 7 = 2,520 prophetic years. 2,520 x 360 = 907,220 days. 907,220 days on...
  9. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Here's a sample from Ken Johnson's book Bible Prophesies Revealed. First, we need to read a couple passages of scripture though. Ezekiel 4:4 “Now lie on your left side and place the sins of Israel on yourself. You are to bear their sins for the number of days you lie there on your side.5 I am...
  10. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    The burden of proof can't be put on god. It's us trying to make god meet our standards. I am no expert in biblical scripture either, but I do give it the benefit of the doubt. The bible can be hard to understand when a single Hebrew word can be translated into three or four different meanings...
  11. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Actually, if you want to learn a bit about logic and reason I would suggest picking up software engineering. But sure philosophy is cool too... I think you're confusing religion with organized religion. You seem very unlearned in religion. I would suggest doing a bit of research before you so...
  12. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Well, you know what they say about philosophy. It doesn't amount to squat.
  13. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    You don't seem to understand. God gave you free will. Do you doubt this? Is someone pulling your strings? Or are you free to do as you please?
  14. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    I thought the same thing in my younger years. But knowing the choices you will make before you make them doesn't make the choices any less yours. It just means god can see through us like glass. And it's not the only choice you could have made, it's the only choice you did make.
  15. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    And this is true because you say it is right? Please elaborate. Although proof of any person living so long ago is hard to obtain, there is much evidence that he did exist. It is abundantly clear you have little knowledge of that which you...
  16. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Free will can be a double edged sword.
  17. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Sound like the lyrics of a teenage angst song.
  18. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Man is fallible and should always be subject to scrutiny. To find errors and contradictions in multiple peoples interpretation of what they have seen or heard isn't all too hard. Even easier to find fault after the messages have been re written so many times.
  19. MushroomBandit

    The forbidden TRUTH

    Destruction of a body by God is only evil in mans eyes. For instance, the flood of Noah's time was to wipe out most of the sinful nature of mankind and establish the prophets and Jesus' coming. Believe it or not, there's a plan. Gods plan is for his children to open their eyes, walk in his...