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  1. C

    How much longer till harvest?

    Can anyone give me roughly how long till I can harvest? I will be patient and wait till optimal! Trying to look at trichomes and finding it hard, seems to be at differnt stages depending on bud aswell, some buds don't have many white hairs left but the main buds still have a few white hairs...
  2. C

    Peoples thoughts?

    So another week or so of veg? It's just the incredible bulk that's ready and the others arnt
  3. C

    Peoples thoughts?

    Won't they stretch in flower?
  4. C

    Peoples thoughts?

    Just something need some second opinions? Got a 1.4x1.4x2 metre grow tent... And I got 2 incredible bulk clones and then 2 white widow x big bud, 1 ak47 and one berry bomb. Which were all from seeds. Obviously clones came rooted so they are well ahead of the other plants and just wondering what...
  5. C

    HELP! Nutrients

    I hope so!! Hopfully it's nothing coz the rest of nuts is clear and fine! Next time I feed I'll take pic of the gunk I get out
  6. C

    HELP! Nutrients

    Cheers for helping at Well surely it does exist coz I bought it lol! It's been feeding my plants okay since I'm growing in coco and they arnt really showing any signs of deficiencies.... But I havnt grown in coco before or even really used nutes so thought maybe someone had this problem but I...
  7. C

    HELP! Nutrients

    Keep in mind I'm in australia. It's definitely not seaweed extract
  8. C

    HELP! Nutrients

    Yeh I'll go take a pic of it, would it damage the plants at all though? I flick out any chunks I see and it's only every now and then.. I been using for a few weeks and plants seem healthy?
  9. C

    HELP! Nutrients

    Do you know what it could be though?
  10. C

    HELP! Nutrients

    He said it was new and they all had good results, maybe I'll just go get some good qaulity nutes
  11. C

    HELP! Nutrients

    Well I'll put a pic up so you look like a complete idiot
  12. C

    HELP! Nutrients

    I'm using kandi pro nutrients. Guy at the grow shop recomended it. But my grow a one that is the colour green sometimes has this browny grey slime stuff that comes out? Could it be mould or what is it? Can I still use it?
  13. C

    Critical ak47, berry bomb, 2x white widow cross big bud and 2 incredible bulk clones

    Just a little update on my grow, everything going smoothe so far, the incredible bulks are growing so quick that I'm deciding to do a mini Scrog on them
  14. C

    Critical ak47, berry bomb, 2x white widow cross big bud and 2 incredible bulk clones

    Yeh just soil, and was just random seeds from a mate. I have heard good things about coco so giving it a shot. Read a lot of contradicting stuff on it like some people water every day some people water every 3days some water 2-3 times a day! Hard to know what to do. I've been watering every 1-2 days
  15. C

    Critical ak47, berry bomb, 2x white widow cross big bud and 2 incredible bulk clones

    Thanks man, hoping to get some good results :)
  16. C

    Critical ak47, berry bomb, 2x white widow cross big bud and 2 incredible bulk clones

    6th day since the seedlings popped above ground. So thought id start a grow journal. I have one berry bomb, one ak47 x critical, two white widow x big bud, and got two incredible bulk clones! More plants then I wanted to grow but they all just fit in my 1.2x1.2x2 grow tent! I have 1 400w metal...
  17. C

    Should I use more watts in veg?

    Probably veg for 6 weeks
  18. C

    Should I use more watts in veg?

    So you think 400w will be enough then 800w in flower?