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  1. G

    Bud Rot or not?

    thanks for the compliment :D yes heat is an issue; which i have failed to fix im not familar with pythiumi will search. ive had spidermites, fungus gnats, aphids + some unidentified :S Here is an edited image of 1 posted above highlighting bad area (i didn't take pictures before binning)
  2. G

    Bud Rot or not?

    after seeing some more yellowing/browning i decided not to wait. cut the top bud it was ok from the outside but by the time i finished trimming it was obvious. About halfway down the phat clump of buds that form the top bud was a brown moldly looking stuff; it covered a big area (of bud) &...
  3. G

    Bud Rot or not?

    she went crazy when i flushed, weird coloring everywhere but this bud changing color is most concerning. Here are better pictures
  4. G

    4 plants 1 pot. showing sex need advice.

    im no expert but i would repot them (into different pots) asap. as long as the roots haven't intertwined (didn't know i could spell that shit) should be easy to do just let the soil dry a little first.
  5. G

    Bud Rot or not?

    I think this is budrot however i have inspected the bud (pulled her apart a little) & it seems as if the yellow of the bud started on the outside; now everything i read says budrot starts on the inside so then i was thinking light bleaching, but i am outdoors in a greenhouse so surely not? also...
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    Mid-Flower ~ Yellow Leaves, Yellow Leaf Stems, Flimsy Branches, Leaves falling off

    Hello i am having some problems with 1 of my plants & can't figure out what it is. Feeding Dyna Grow Bloom 5ml ( Dyna Grow Pro-tekt 2.5ml ( I give them the nutes with 12 Liters of water then 12 Liters of plain water on its own...
  7. G

    Diagnosis Help

    i have been putting in water at 6.8-7.2 constantly & the ph hasn't changed much at all in the run off (they are all around the same) around 4 (using rubbish color test will get proper one soon, may even get soil tester) anyway do you know of a good cheap way to increase the PH? Also i did think...
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    Diagnosis Help

    it says contains trace elements so i guess yes but very small amounts. run off is below 4 when what im sticking in is 7, so yh ph is fairly low
  9. G

    Diagnosis Help

    The yellowing seems to have got worse on 2 of them Very bad plant: Not as bad plant Going to try a flush to see if that helps -------------------------------- update What are the chances of dog wee causing this? I have just started flushing & the water coming out is distinctly...
  10. G

    Diagnosis Help

    Just sprayed them; soapy water first then plain water after on all of them (drenched both upper & under) hopefully this helps but i checked & i didn't see any mites. Cheers Gr0wC0d3
  11. G

    Diagnosis Help

    Thank you both :) I haven't sprayed the leaves with anything & none of the leaves get any water or nutes on them. So soap & water to get rid of mites? will it be ok to put this on the one in flowering or just the 2 in veg? Im not sure they may be get very small traces of cal/mag but not much if...
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    Diagnosis Help

    I am having some issues with my plants (i need to know what the problems are & suggestions of solutions) here is some background: Outdoor - greenhouse, Fan blowing 24/7, low humidity, gets very hot during day, past week only 8 hours of sunlight per day rest is in shade (moved now), occasional...
  13. G

    The UK Growers Thread!

    price shot up overnight, 1 of the biggest got busted; then they hiked.. It was 1.3g - 1.8g £10, 1oz £120-£160 Now .8g - 1.2g £10, 1oz £180 - £240 Then i see on news Uruguay will sell for 80p a g :S
  14. G

    My first grow - Dyna Gro bloom?

    Hi im attempting my first grow. Doing it outdoors in a greenhouse using Fast & Vast auto flower (they pulled me in on the name :S ). It has gone ok so far, 1 major spidermite problem but i exterminated them soon enough. I made a big mistake early on, i used soil with some slow release nutes. I...