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  1. easybud

    Bud, the destoyer of life.

    I'm not mad at my dog hes my bestfriend, im just hoping it doesnt affect the plant. heres a pic I moved it too my makeshift recovery center lol. UPDATE: Right plant was the one under the golden shower.
  2. easybud

    Bud, the destoyer of life.

    My dog, ironically named Bud, decided to piss on my newest cross breed, it was looking to be a beauty too. anyone know if this is going to affect it at all? cause i don't wanna scrape this tree, but im scared.
  3. easybud

    Great Stoner Quotes

    this is kinda one of those you had to be there. me and my boy get pulled over and i look at him and he looks at me and he goes "dude, im too high to run from the cops."
  4. easybud

    The Grunge Scene: Then and Now

    I <3 Alice in Chains. All theyre songs are amazing. Favorite is "I Stay Away" or "Nutshell" Check'em. =D