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  1. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Hey There, come see me....
  2. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Please, quickly.....I'm juggling and don't want to drop the chainsaws....
  3. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Tesla, contact me.
  4. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    go check the POOP thread....
  5. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

  6. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Don Tesla, can you raise me on the wireless set? Back from the Wastelands, need some air time..
  7. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Greetings and salutations, Don Tesla, Don Petro, may the bounty of the season find it's way to your homes. I come with a "You gotta try this" suggestion. Go buy a mango, that's right a mango.....go to Youtube and watch a "How to cut a mango" video, they are tricky buggers to cut right.....Once...
  8. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    We have to get together today, Friday. Get back to me..Tank out
  9. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    That seems quite substantial, looks to be enjoying her new home. Great colour and shine to the foliage. I need to know when you can get by for the wine rack, getting ready for the holidays and trying to get organized.
  10. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Hey Tesla, contact me if you can,'s Wednesday....need to have a convo...
  11. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Nice, I'm up playing EVE with Mac, it's 1:30 now....
  12. Tank Murphy

    Discovered the sacred herb in 1973, grew for 15 years, then one day it all came to an abrupt halt...

    Discovered the sacred herb in 1973, grew for 15 years, then one day it all came to an abrupt halt...
  13. Tank Murphy

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    Tank here, what's the story for today?