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  1. SelfAnarchy

    Welcome New Members!

    Thats nice to know! I love learning new things about this! I cant wait to pack my bowl in purple! So M39 in your opinion is a no go? I'll keep it in mind. But I want to continue experimenting with weed although it may be tough since I am buying it in high school. But thank you!
  2. SelfAnarchy

    Welcome New Members!

    Sounds good to me! I'll continue to buy it then, he also said he can get me purple weed. What is the deal there?
  3. SelfAnarchy

    Welcome New Members!

    I am new here! I have only smoked once before. The guy said it was "kush" I am very new, can someone explain what exactly makes it different?
  4. SelfAnarchy

    Hello Rollitup!

    I am not sure, the guy I bought it from said it was kush. Can you explain this? And yes, I very much enjoyed it :)
  5. SelfAnarchy

    Hello Rollitup!

    I am new here! My name is SelfAnarchy and I have only smoked once. So I have a quick question, when I smoked I did not exactly get out of my head crazy, I had a sudden interrest in the usually unnoticeable things such as screen pixels. And I had a feeling of being in space and having no legs...