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  1. S

    DIY E-Nail

    Pretty much this. Haha As I kind of thought there really isn't a need for the switch. But like you said you can see it cooling down which is kind of useful if you want to know when it's safe to remove your coil or nail. Or I guess if you just wanted a thermometer for the room your in when your...
  2. S

    DIY E-Nail

    Yeah the auto tune definitley seems to work just fine. I was just curious if anyone had already messed with theirs yet. I'm just gonna run it the way it is for now haha. But I installed a switch in my box to turn the power on/off to the coil. So when the switch is in off position the...
  3. S

    DIY E-Nail

    Finished everything yesterday and it seems to work fine so far. Thanks again man. All I did was run the auto tune at 600F and it's vaping nicely right now. But I did notice it over shot by about 30 degrees this morning when I turned it on. And drops 5 or 10 when I take a dab. What pid...
  4. S

    DIY E-Nail

    just sayin thanks for the info man. ordered all the parts today so hopefully ill have it built in a couple weeks max. ended up going with the OG highly educated e nail and a coil from d nail. plus a dropdown for it. I should have done this months ago haha