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  1. K

    How much can you yield?

    won't be disappointed, it will be a learning experience haha I just want to maximize the yield and get a lot of experience through everything. I just want to make sure I learn so i can teach i like for people to have equal results I'm striding a lot right now, but trial and error is key if i get...
  2. K

    How much can you yield?

    I like the idea I'm going to be trying it here soon my last yield before i moved gave me 7.5 under 4 1k lights and it was pretty upsetting not a bad yield, but i want closer to 2-3 lbs per light which is pretty damn hard I'm really pushing and trying to excersize all options i think the goal for...
  3. K

    How much can you yield?

    Nice I just got my controller in the mail so I'm going to set all the set points and make sure i got the environment controlled and secure and set up the tent to make sure i don't have any leaks I'm growing in a tent so I'm sure they will have leaks, but keeping it to the minimum. Im gonna be...
  4. K

    How much can you yield?

    see and that's the thing i grow fire OG dream Queen Private reserve blue dream. The high and taste are beyond great, but i don't know why I'm not yielding as much what i do yield its gone quick everyone likes it i just want more thats all i need a new strain thats strong and yields a fuck ton
  5. K

    How much can you yield?

    that looks sick honestly ima use the scrog, but I'm running coco is that why you think?
  6. K

    How much can you yield?

    lol no i mean are you growing that under the 600 watt or outdoors on the sun cause of the lb per 600 light
  7. K

    How much can you yield?

    i just want to get 3 thats it i will be happy with 3 no joke. i will be happy with that i have a 6x12x8 tent i was told to throw 3 1k lights and with all the lights and if my environment is good my nut is on point i can get 9 lbs
  8. K

    How much can you yield?

    thats nice looking plant i grow fire go private reserve dream queen and they fuck'n top shelf, but i want to yield way more I'm growing in a tent running 2 1k lights mini split co2
  9. K

    How much can you yield?

    yeah definitely i run house and gardens and this will be my first scrog grow i think i can get 2, but i want 3 i get clones usually about 18 inches should i go bigger?
  10. K

    How much can you yield?

    that shit is nice looking plant. what strain is that?
  11. K

    How much can you yield?

    what strains?….
  12. K

    How much can you yield?

    wtf do you run lol what equipment and nutrients indoors or outdoors?
  13. K

    How much can you yield?

    Be real people how much can you really yield off of 1k lights i head anywhere from 1.5- 3 lbs per light is that realistic? if so how and i mean keeping your shit tasty and top shelf still. i can't break the 1.6 per light barrier and i need to i run 2 1k lights i would like to get nice yields off...
  14. K

    Germinating Methods

    its too many to read to be honest what i do is i just put all the seeds in a cup like 5-6 at a time and i add enough water to barely cover the seed and i find that hey usually gets me to get them all pop'd i don't know if thats they proper way to do it, but it works for me lol i usually just go...
  15. K


    oh i see shit i thought you could plug it into the iPonic do you run an iponic?
  16. K


    thanks a lot for the replies i will try house and gradens and post picks to keep you guys posted is it possible tho to pull 2.5lbs per 1k light with the right nutrients or is that just to far fetched?
  17. K

    Double scrog method?

    LMFAO i don't get it either i seen it and i was just lost idk thats why I'm asking to see what possible benefits it might have hahah
  18. K

    My new strains!

    I usually keep to the same FireOg, private reserveOG, Dream Queen, Blue Dream. Everyone that has tried my stuff enjoys it i don't like adding if people enjoy it, but lately i been getting people asking me to get some girl scout cookies, and as i got the new girl scout cookie and XJ13 which not...
  19. K

    Double scrog method?

    I'm going to be running a scrog in my tent, but i seen people that do double scrog? what is the additional net for? i have seen it and i think it defeats the purpose and i googled, but i don't understand why people do this? can someone shed some light on this you get more yield is it for support?
  20. K


    no i got an iPonic600, i can run the lights off of there, but at 120 its 18 amps total for the 2 1ks and the controller is only 15 amps, but id rather run all of my equipment off of the controller and not the lights, but i just don't know whats the best way to run the lights and keep everything...