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  1. R

    plant prob PleaseEE help!! PICS

    Hello there, now I just have repottedx it with fresh loose soil, with some sand and carbon added. anyway I noticed just what I got wrong in here, the soil yeah... it was very compact I think because I watered it just after repotting my plant on the new pot, anyway it was like 3 weeks frown...
  2. R

    plant prob PleaseEE help!! PICS

    ok so I will try repotting on new soil do you really think its that as its bagseed, brought here near my house in colombia I guess they´ve grown it on normal soil like mine.. anyway Ill try and save this plant as the little flowers are still looking good, no yellowing or curling still.. there...
  3. R

    plant prob PleaseEE help!! PICS

    ok plain soil from my backyard, a little from somewhere we buried or dogs shit like around 4 years ago.. some little aquarium rocks.. the pot is a garbage can, 22"tall 8-9"diameter.. the plant is like 17" or so.. I watered it almost everyday as it seemed to soak up the water so fast, a small...
  4. R

    plant prob PleaseEE help!! PICS

    So as I told my plant seemed to be going ok butnow its loosing more leaves and the scorching is getting worse on some areas, some really pale leaves are falling down though they are the smallest and the ones that dont get almost any light at all... but big leaves are now also getting the same...
  5. R

    Super hash-esque keif method

    Im running down 2 friend´s male plants tonite.. will post pics!!
  6. R

    plant prob PleaseEE help!! PICS

    so an update i didnt had money to get nutes for my plant.. hmm they are really expensive as only big ass bags are sold and theres no more gardening supply stores near so I peed my plant jejeje nitrogen emergency source.. and punched a hell lot of holes on the pot, a lot of water drained out, not...
  7. R

    Super hash-esque keif method

  8. R

    plant prob PleaseEE help!! PICS

    humm overwatering I just flushed the soil oncee again so I just fucked up more!! and as for the nutes I had never fed her till now she started flowering what could be the solution??
  9. R

    plant prob PleaseEE help!! PICS

    So She started like this three or four days ago, yellowing leaves, now all the plant is pale green/yellow, only growing tips are green, also some of the bigger leaves show brown patches. the growth is stunned, and some leaves curl down / seem like the plant is lacking water although the soil is...
  10. R

    Old pot plants good or bad?

    its not a stupid thing to do.. molasses are good for any any plant any time.... as well for the flavoring I hope some would be carried on to the buds.. andd it was organic flavoring so.. what is so stupid about that.. either way I was asking about something else anyway...
  11. R

    Old pot plants good or bad?

    interesting reading, now heres the situatioon I live in colombia and right now Im growing one plant. Its already begun to flower, so the question is, as I suppose it was harvested in here and grown in here, and we dont really have freezing winters or so, I think I'd like to harvest and let her...
  12. R

    clone question..

    thnx for the advice so one thing for sure is to keep humidity up, anyway the larger clone still seems a little down, but it looks exactly as yesterday so I might guess it´s not dying!! the top trimming is getting a little yellow (the top pair of tips) but the lower ones actually seem to be...
  13. R

    clone question..

    ok so I have them that way in my shower three 40watt tubes... how long do you think they will take to root? one is looking really down edit: piuctures! mom and her clones
  14. R

    clone question..

    Hey, I was wondering, I took two clones off my female plant.. the topmost tip, 5" in length with two nodes, and one of the lowest branches. As the plant was like a week or less in flowering has already showed sex,, I read that you sould put the clones again on 24 light to get them back to veg...
  15. R

    My first grow Pics and a little question!

    :weed:Some more Pics
  16. R

    My first grow Pics and a little question!

    oh and btw, I was growing indoors because we just got through the worst winter ever!!!!!! but since last week its all sunny!
  17. R

    My first grow Pics and a little question!

    I just cutted off all those brownish tips, and no signs of new ones, Im betting it was ice burnt!! so now I mist my plants every night leave them very moist so they wont burn no more, it seems to like the new pot and as I tolld I topped almost ebvery growing tip on a plant and Ive counted like...
  18. R

    My first grow Pics and a little question!

    Ok so I think maybe its burning because of the cold, its been freezing at nights in here, but still I dont know, anyway besides from the little problem how are you seeing my plant¡??
  19. R

    My first grow Pics and a little question!

    the fourth atchment is the picture where I show the damage.... anyway I repotted my little lady some hours ago.. her previous pot was completely full of roots, now its on a veeery big pot..
  20. R

    My first grow Pics and a little question!

    Hi everyone, my first serious and patient grow, just wanted to post some pics to know how you think Im doing, and a littlee question.. I´ve been growing indoorsand outdoors not on a regular schedule just ocassionally as if my parents are not home or if its a very sunny day, Indoors I vave 3...