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  1. Mrdownunder

    giving defoliation during flower a try

    bongsmilieI always do it in a scrog set up and it always works people that dont do it are stuipid and are think the plants have feelings lol grow up !!
  2. Mrdownunder


    bongsmilie150mm fans for a 2.4x1.2x2.0 metre tent whats everyones opinions .? Dont really wana go buy bigger fans haha
  3. Mrdownunder

    Bloom boosters

    Yer true that I've used then before with mixed results I was planning on not using them this time around to see the difference it seams to be a lot like the bodybuilding supplement industry lol take a majic pill and you will gain 10 kg in a week hahaha
  4. Mrdownunder

    Bloom boosters

    What's everyone's opinions about bloom boosters all hype or a must ??
  5. Mrdownunder

    Seeds into aus

    Hey anyone know of anyone getting beans into aus lately ?? Cheers
  6. Mrdownunder

    Sup from down under

    Hey people just sayin hello to all the members out there cheers