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  1. Westcoastcc

    Legal research chems

    Hey guys! Any RCs around that anyone has fiddled with recently? I'm interested in Mxp due to the way mxe was but I'm unsure of the difference. Any input is great!
  2. Westcoastcc

    What are shrooms like compared to acid?

    I usually wait about 4hrs after eating a light meal then down them either in capsules or half of a crunchy peanut butter sammich. The crunchiness takes away from all of the nastyness IMO.
  3. Westcoastcc

    synthetic things. mdai ect

    Dude that made total sense to me! That's exactly what I needed, something in layman's terms. Thank you very much
  4. Westcoastcc

    synthetic things. mdai ect

    Hey AZ, I've read up tutorials and have everything set up for agora. Is it really as easy as it seems with the pgp keys and all?
  5. Westcoastcc

    Beans Beans beans

    I was just curious, if you check pill reports you'll see the grenades. They're supposedly 200-220mg ea from my research. Awesome time and no hangover, I know beans are more of a thing in the past and "Molly" is what goes around nowadays. What are some of the odd stamped/shaped pills you guys...
  6. Westcoastcc

    Beans Beans beans

    Anyone seeing beans around lately? I've come upon some light green and pink grenades, and +/- signs. I haven't seen any around for a while up until now, just wondered if they were still commonly around
  7. Westcoastcc

    Shroom talk

    Hey everyone I was recently having a conversation with a friend about the different strains of mushies and how they're all different, similar to weed. What's your guys/girls favorite strain(s)? Mine so far has been half(3.5g) if golden teachers and half albino penis envy(3.5g).
  8. Westcoastcc

    So what's the strangest way you have ever consumed LSD?

    maybe not weird, but a sugar cube has been the most enjoyable way for me
  9. Westcoastcc

    DMT & mdma in same week

    One thing that I recall from most, if not all of my DMT trips is that at one point or another I always come into contact with the same three entities, all the same colors. Except for this time, they revealed themselves as human figures
  10. Westcoastcc

    DMT & mdma in same week

    Thanks for the reply Rory, I look at this part of the forum often and enjoy your insight. It's odd that you mention being able to vaguely predict events right before they happen, as that happens to me quite often and leaves me puzzled every time. I know about the rolling part and I've been there...
  11. Westcoastcc

    DMT & mdma in same week

    Hello 5 days ago two friends and myself decided to smoke 50mg each of DMT, I was second to go. This was my 12th trip, and the most memorable trip so far. Once I blasted off I saw 3 women, purple, blue, and green. The purple wan was most interested in me and I conversed with her the most, and...
  12. Westcoastcc

    Questions on vac purging

    Thanks guys! Out of everything, I ruled it to be aged material. The waxy oil became a more stable material after a few days of sitting :)
  13. Westcoastcc

    Questions on vac purging

    Hello all, I normally scroll through the threads but I have a specific question. When I make bho, I heat purge at 110-120 until the butane boils off, then scrape onto parchment and put into vac chamber at around 90°f. Lately with my last few runs the bho has been oily, compared to my other runs...