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  1. F

    Racism at its finest.

    Dude j do think you_are right : be involved in this stupid post is a too big favor we can do to this guy... j started to be interested to know what really happened but after page 3 and some pictures and videos j just started to ask myself : WHAT KIND OF DRUG IS THAT GUY USING OR , DOES HE...
  2. F

    Someone Said soak seeds in...

    An other important thing a seed is geneticaly male or female . Can you think you can change the sex of a foetus in his mothers belly by using some chemical ? Should it happen without any complication for the kid or for the mother ? think about this ... help yourself to be in good condition as...
  3. F

    Someone Said soak seeds in...

    HI ! ADVERTISING YOU KIM AND OTHERS : COLCHICINE IS HIGHLY TOXIC IF YOU USE THE PLANT YOU TREAT WITH IT ! you have to clone the plant and the best is to use the second generation clone to be sure it's non toxic . Take advise with some other persons that can give you the right answer if you...