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  1. B

    BHO and weather

    Someone once told me its dangerous to blast large amounts unless it is a nice sunny day with a small breeze. It's winter time and its been kind of cloudy and rainy =( . Does the cloudy weather/humidity somehow increase chances of explosions? (if its being done outside)
  2. B

    Help please... is this aphid damage?

    Also, roots are healthy white.. popped em out and checked em a moment ago
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    Help please... is this aphid damage?

    Honestly I haven't been because I watered once only with glacier reverse osmosis water since i picked them up. Wasn't to concerned with it because my buddy was watering them with straight tap water and they were healthy as can be!
  4. B

    Help please... is this aphid damage?

    Once every 3-4 days is what i usually do.
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    Help please... is this aphid damage?

    Yessir. Was some type of fungus or powdery mildew which is actually quite common in my area. Clipped affected leaves with sterile scissors and hit it with some hydrogen peroxide mix/baking soda water mix. Everything has been great thus far and the disease has stopped spreading. Looks like i...
  6. B

    Help please... is this aphid damage?

    He used straight tap water to water them at his house.. I used glacier purified water. only 1 or 2 is really bad... the other 18 are pretty solid for the most part but i would like to know what was the cause so i can fix this before it gets out of hand!
  7. B

    Help please... is this aphid damage?

    I can later i'm not with them at this very moment! It's not neighbor. I been giving them some extra hours of light when the sun goes down in a not-so-clean closet... Could it get fungus or something because of this? That is the ONLY thing i could really think of if it isn't bug damage!... I...
  8. B

    Help please... is this aphid damage?

    You sure? What should I do?
  9. B

    Help please... is this aphid damage?

    I grabbed the clones from my buddies place about a week ago and this seemed to happen over the easter weekend... I actually used way cleaner water than he was so i cant imagine it being water... especially since most the others didnt get this bad. I did seperate the 5 that had it worse from the...
  10. B

    Help please... is this aphid damage?

    There was only a couple leaves like this a few days ago so wasn't to concerned until i took a double look this morning and there was 2 plants that seemed to take a beating over the weekend. Is this aphid damage? WWJD? PS. All the others look perfectly fine and healthy with the exception of...
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  12. B

    Anyone use stake reflector CFLs outside?

    Was thinking about keeping 18/6 light cycle to prevent early flower (already see a few pistols) and then once they are outside midmay throwing a few stakes with CFLs in reflectors out there with em for a month til mid june. How much does setting up these cost? (not including electricity)
  13. B

    When are you putting the girls outside?

    Are ya adding any extra light to them at all after you put them outside?
  14. B

    When are you putting the girls outside?

    lol! same here. Id put them out june 1st but may 15th they are gonna definitely have to be transplanted into the big pots and no more room inside from that point on haha!. Hopefully may 15th will work i cant possibly see them going full out flower phase when our days are getting close to the...
  15. B

    Advanced nutrients.... expiration dates???

    Wanting to use leftovers from last season. I think all would be fine except the voodoo juice cuz that stuff had live bacteria in it. Anyone got expertise in this area?
  16. B

    Using airstone with hose water in giant reservoir for 24-48 hours before nuting and watering

    lol that blows my mind. I never woulda thought. I guess you learn something new every day huh? hah!
  17. B

    When are you putting the girls outside?

    I got my girls on 16/8 right now. Leaving them outside during day and giving them an extra 2 hours at night under the flouros. Will subtract one hour of flouro light in beginning of may and on may 15th they go into the big pots and stay outside permanently... Hopefully they dont flower early...
  18. B

    Using airstone with hose water in giant reservoir for 24-48 hours before nuting and watering

    Ya i have heard this as well actually. I bought a hose filter that supposedly filters out the chloramines as well. Probably just gonna blast into the reservoirs and stir every hour or so!
  19. B

    Any of you guys use compost soil mixes?

    Gonna get some type of compost soil mix and add perlite myself. This ok?
  20. B

    Any of you guys ever use grow bags?

    Just ordered some geo pots =)