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  1. DownToSmoke420

    how much weed do you smoke each day

    yeah I do =[. Im not like super rich. :-(
  2. DownToSmoke420

    Four ounces

    Agreed. :hump:
  3. DownToSmoke420

    Can you get high off scraping your bowl?

    I always snap my bowls when it comes to a bong. but for a piece, I dunno. I usually ash it on the 4th or 5th hit.
  4. DownToSmoke420

    Whats YOUR Favorite Drug of Choice?

    weed and only weed. all the other drugs are just pointless IMO.
  5. DownToSmoke420

    Sup, you guys can call me Espo.

    Thanks dude. and to you... KEEP BLAZING :weed:
  6. DownToSmoke420

    Sup, you guys can call me Espo.

    from where?
  7. DownToSmoke420

    how much weed do you smoke each day

    1 gram gets me toasty for a while. 2 grams and I'm gone. I preserve my weed =]
  8. DownToSmoke420

    Sup, you guys can call me Espo.

    How you guys doing? I'm new to this forum and have been smoking weed for 4 years. I currently can't smoke right now because my boss does random drug tests. So until I can start smoking again, I will use and continue to use this forum. Thank you all, Espo bongsmilie