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  1. M

    Change in Address

    I still don't think this is true and not sure why it's continually repeated the judges order states : The Applicants who held, as of September 30, 2013, or were issued thereafter not The Applicants who held, as of September 30, 2013 if you had a valid ATP and PPL as of the date of the order...
  2. M

    Granfathered but....

    hi all as i read it if you had a atp/ppl that was valid on the 21st you are good since it says granted on the 30th or 'thereafter' notwithstanding expiry date means that the expiry date on the license is 'cancelled' and the new expiry is when a decision is rendred in the trial
  3. M

    ATP Under MMAR

    their seems to be a lot of false info out, heres what i take from the court order 'The Applicants who held, as of September 30, 2013, or were issued thereafter' that means if you were ever issued a atp or ppl with a mar 31st expiry date you are good, otherwise it would make no sense get the...