now if dat damn mitivitamin pill work ima rich man. yea it sound stupid but at least i researched instead of just adding all types of bullshit i add dat mutivitamin pill for a reason duh
now as for da miricale grow like i said i gon get dat wen i get da money buh im dat type of person dat try...
true i use my urine but i also use da pure water to i guess flush out da bad stuff i only put dat urine bullshit once two days cuz im skeptical myself but da plant need it's nutrients.... wen i get my money i will buy da real deal shit
wat are sum cheap things i can buy to get gud results cuz...
i need some help ppl... ok we all love to smoke and hate to pay for it so i like u decided to grow my own
the problem is i dont have any good soil or nutrients.
wat i did wat i researched growing weed and it stated dat the plants need
since i cant afford...