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  1. Smash

    my first harvest

    lol he said "was it" not "what is" my friend. :joint::peace:
  2. Smash

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    That makes one of us.
  3. Smash

    Making purple nuggets!!

    Uhmm.. No.
  4. Smash

    4000W Medicial Purple Kush 256 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG Grow

    easy fellas its just weed. nice grow let us know how it smokes
  5. Smash

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    if you weren't so blind to see what these people are trying to tell you, its that you are wrong. the plant it self DOES NOT USE SUGAR. i didn't say it didn't benefit from the molasses, i'm simply TELLING you that no matter how much you THINK you're right, sugar WILL NOT be absorbed by a plant...
  6. Smash

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    uhm what do you think the point of photosynthesis is? to produce energy, SO THEY DON'T NEED SUGAR. they can't absorb it even if they wanted to, it's too big to fit for the plants. which is why they make they're own. you can dump pounds of sugar on a plant, it won't do anything. you have failed.
  7. Smash

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    no, it's not. plants don't use sugar.
  8. Smash

    Favorite Guitar Players?

    no particular order (besides jimi :)) jimi hendrix paul gilbert buckethead yngwie jason becker (also a personal hero)
  9. Smash

    Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, or Xbox360 & Guitar Hero?

    guitar. for one, you'll never lose intrest in a guitar, theres way too many things to learn and play, unlike guitar hero which will get old fast. two, unlike what everyones saying, you can get a pretty nice acoustic for 300$, which i recommend since electrics are more expensive and require an...
  10. Smash

    quick question

    if my friend planted a plant outside right now, would it come back in the spring? i know it wouldnt flower in time thats not what im asking. im was thinking that this would give it a jump start on next years grow. or would the plant just completely die during the winter. idk just a random...
  11. Smash

    Found a MOnster!!!

    why so many liars lately? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE TRYING TO IMPRESS?!?!
  12. Smash

    Time To Harvest The Monster

    wait a minute, this thread is ages old :(
  13. Smash

    Time To Harvest The Monster

    me and you both.
  14. Smash


    i agree, don't steal any plants... maybe just sample a bud ;) only for the sake of riu, of course
  15. Smash

    Fentanly, to do or not to do

    johnson&johnson got sued for these patches killing people. 100 times as powerful as almighty morphine if i recall correctly
  16. Smash

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    why would we give a fuck when we run this bitch? lol jk. im an american and ill be the first one to tell you: we couldnt give a damn less about your country's culture.. no need to. were all ignorant assholes. end of story.. or maybe sometimes foreigners are too snobby to see the truth...
  17. Smash

    California to legalize!

    If gay marriage couldn't be legalized, how hard to you think it will be to legalize weed?
  18. Smash

    California to legalize!

    Not to burst everyones bubble, but this prop. will simply not be passed. No questions asked, it simply won't. Think back to gay marriage...
  19. Smash

    Logo mispelled

    I can't be the only one whose noticed that "The marijuana source" is spelled wrong, right?
  20. Smash

    Guerilla Growing

    I do that. To prepare, i find a location, till the soil a little, add in some coffee grounds, put them in the dirt and walk away. I'll come with some water twice a week if its a dry week, but if it rains, i let them go. no repellent, no extra ferts, nothing. 0 dollars spent and the outcome is...