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  1. W

    LEGALLY Altering an MauHaung ephedrine plant somehow ?

    Right on right wing what other plants can you do this with alcks meaning alkalines? What the fuck is a "N day'
  2. W

    Gianteum Poppies Marijuana interference ??

    Thanks any other tips along those lines would be great however i was actually asking if the 3 completley diff. plants might contaminate eachother or have some pollination problems causing an unwanted chemical mix. For example if i were to grow both opium poppies and coffee plants in the same...
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    (united states) Has anybody received seeds from this site (united states)

    :joint: If you did how'd they turn out whats the packaging look like? :joint:
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    Genetic mutation MJ buds growing through the center of leaves? Trichomes everywhere ?

    Diff website 10 Odd Realities (With Pictures) About Growing Cannabis Plants On Anybody know how to do this?
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    How much light do other non MJ plants need daily.

    Naturally they might need 12 hours of light(warmer conditions) and 12 of darkness (cooler conditions) :roll:
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    LEGALLY Altering an MauHaung ephedrine plant somehow ?

    Even though ephedrine is a good stimulant on its own I'd like to figure out a way to boost its "eurphoriant" properties maybe through a specific nutrient plan or pollination(s) / any other GROWING methods that do not include "GASBAKING" Some ways to make it a more substantial plant while being...
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    Gianteum Poppies Marijuana interference ??

    I plan to grow a small indoor crop of both Poppies and MJ in the same grow room, the last thing i want the outcome to be is my weed testing opiate positive or altwise my Poppy plants containing thc. Does anybody know if their could be any complications in this scenario ? I may also be growing...
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    Genetic mutation MJ buds growing through the center of leaves? Trichomes everywhere ?

    I read a article about buds growing from center leaves and on the stem being a genetic mutaion, is there a way to breed or coax a plant into doing this ? Apparentley some growers are able to breed plants covered with trichomes. what strains are used to do this, what are the best pollination...