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  1. C

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Thanks for the response. The Iranian Autoflower has a somewhat confusing name. The general consensus is that it is actually a short season plant and not a true autoflower. Generally it will shift into flowering with any modest change in photoperiod. Thus, shifting plants vegged at 20/4...
  2. C

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Hey kids!- what an amazing resource and thread. What do you think about the potential for mainlining Iranian Autoflower/Iranian Short Season. I think that there would be a long enough veg period to allow recovery from pruning before flowering, but I am concerned that the stress of the pruning...
  3. C

    Can Iranian Autoflower/ISS be Mainlined?

    Bump for the night crew. Any input appreciated. Scoured the web with no answer to this question. Want to make sure that pruning will not stress this "autoflower" into early flowering. Thanks
  4. C

    Can Iranian Autoflower/ISS be Mainlined?

    Title says it all...I know Iranian Autoflower is not a true autoflower. I am wondering how sensitive it is too pruning and training. I would like to mainline these plants to increase stealth and yield. They will be vegged for about 8 weeks indoors and then set outdoors at the start of summer...