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  1. mrcryce

    refining cannabis butter

    Refine with the same culinary technique as you would use to make clarified butter/ghee.
  2. mrcryce

    NO2 Whipper Technique

    This should help your alcohol based extraction in a way similar to how pressurized closed loop systems extract more thoroughly.
  3. mrcryce

    Butane is going to kill you guys!

    I think most people dabbing BHO take way too much. If you figure an extraction rate of 15%, if you smoke a 0.1g dab you just had smoked all the resin from 0.6g of plant material.
  4. mrcryce

    Question: Why not distill the evaporated alcohol

    He has no obligation to spoon feed anybody. Only those interested in learning are capable of being taught.
  5. mrcryce

    Butane is going to kill you guys!

    I think his point is moderation is the key. He's a prime example of too much of a good thing being bad. Also marzfisch forum name should be Learning to Troll.
  6. mrcryce

    large trim extraction, I WANT GOLD :D

    Your concern is very appreciated. To whom are you directing these comments? Fadedawg is using closed loop system where butane is not exposed to the atmosphere and Saybian's choice of solvent is d-limonene.
  7. mrcryce

    Vacuum Purging Winterized Oil

    How do you modulate the pressure to keep the vacuum stable at -29.5"? I have heard of some people leaving a valve on their vac ovens open a just a crack and getting more flavorful results, but I don't imagine that is a good long term course of action for your pump.
  8. mrcryce

    My experience with PUREZHO extraction solvent

    First post? The best way to respond is PM? LOL r u sure you aren't "Dr. Z" himself? If not it is pretty obvious you are a paid shill of sorts.
  9. mrcryce

    Let's Get Pharmaceutical

    Here is one example of a recent "hash lab" explosion that left the operator in very bad condition. My guess is that he knew of the flammable nature of butane but did not take into account that a spark could be caused...
  10. mrcryce

    Let's Get Pharmaceutical

    Some very interesting stuff in here Finshaggy. Seeing as nobody knows definitively how or why cannabis (and its constituent components) does what it does, your research is a step in the right direction! I am excited to see your plans unfold and hope you can make some amazing discoveries :)
  11. mrcryce

    How long do you dry/cure before blasting?

    You want to minimize the presence of water in the extraction or you will pull undesirable stuff like chlorophyll. This is why some people pop their material in a dehydrator before blasting it. This is also why others freeze their material (to keep water in its solid form). You could dehydrate...
  12. mrcryce

    BHO Closed Loop Extraction Questions

    If you can't get it from a gas company, you can fill with lighter refill canisters using a refrigerant can tapper.
  13. mrcryce

    BHO Closed Loop Extraction Questions

    I got my sight glass at but you will have to replace the gaskets it comes with as they are silicone.
  14. mrcryce

    Vacuum pump noise reduction

    I saw the video on youtube of a guy using car oil filter to make a ghetto filter for vacuum pump. I don't agree in his evaluation of the efficacy on his homemade contraption, it is only shielding the area from oil splattering out, but doing barely anything to actually filter the mist. I know...
  15. mrcryce

    Wax THC/CBD/CBN Content

    IME high would be above 80%. Winterized should be at least 70%, but someone please correct me if you have more accurate info. This is based off my knowledge of what I see in CA dispensaries. If you are dabbing recreationally you probably do not want CBD as it is known to antagonize the effect...
  16. mrcryce

    Can You Eat BHO without cooking

    I have read on this forum that dissolving it in a fat aids in absorption in your digestive tract, and there have been recommendations of using a mixture of oils to enhance this effect. (eg, coconut oil and grapeseed oil). Instead of wasting bud by just eating it, you could prepare it properly...
  17. mrcryce

    BHO Yield Comparison: Fine Ground Blender Buds Vs. Lightly Hand Broken Up Buds

    This is very cool. Well done sir, I love seeing true side by side experiments like this! 2.44% higher yield does matter even more to someone running mass amounts, because 2.44% of a larger quantity is even more extract! Plus being able to extract more at once resulting in more effective use of...
  18. mrcryce

    2013 outdoor - central cali

    Wow awesome, I had no idea you could plant garlic around to keep mites away. Pro tip which I will remember if I ever get the opportunity to grow OD :D
  19. mrcryce

    Dry Ice Winterizing

    I appreciate the generous offer, but you don't need to write an essay on the subject :) Thanks for the explanation that was very helpful!
  20. mrcryce

    Dry Ice Winterizing

    Hey qwizoking I was thinking about what you said some more. Based on the chemistry that you presented, would it be accurate to say that a cold iso wash would yield a product similar in consistency to dewaxed BHO, because the cold iso reduces the solubility of the waxes and fats so they do not...